Chapter 39

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"Welcome team. First, I apologize for this last minute call in. Surprising turn of events have happened since we last spoke.

"As you all know, the CIA, NSA and even Venezuela intelligence had all their hand in the undercover operation well before Team Bartowski were in on it. We have recently discovered there are eleven operatives still alive and in communication with us as of a half hour ago."

"Where are they now?" asked Sarah.

"In a secure location, ready to be used at a moment's notice as soon as we lock on Flores' location," answered the General.

The team looked at one another.

"I'm glad they made it out," Sarah said to the General.

"Yeah, we got to know a lot of them, and they were really great," Chuck agreed.

"I'm sure that was their main focus," Casey muttered with a grunt, "being besties."

To the General, he asked:

"These agents are on standby, here in the States?"

"I cannot confirm or deny their whereabouts to anyone at this time, Colonel. All I can say is as soon as Flores is spotted, the teams are ready to deploy anywhere around the world to capture him," answered the General.

Chuck raised his hand.

"Uh, General? Listen, I know your plan is great and all, kudos really. But maybe I could give a little input? I may have an idea where we have a better advantage than just waiting it out, so to speak?"

The General looked thoughtfully at Bartowski.

"Alright, Chuck. What is your idea?"

"I lure them in. We let the guys still on our side in the Flores group know where we are going tonight. They come, stage a kidnapping. MY kidnapping. That way, Flores thinks I'm out of the way, leading him to be careless as he gets Amelia. They know what I have, they know I am the intersect and I would know their faces no matter how they doctored them up. So if I'm kidnapped, he'll get careless."

Sarah looked at her husband.

"Baby, what's to stop him from killing you when they have you in custody? So much could go wrong with that plan, and I don't want to put you out as bait if we don't have a secure hold on all factors."

"I agree with Walker, Chuck. You are far too valuable to risk being killed by some hothead when it's safer to wait for Flores and his men to make a move," the General reached over and as she hovered her finger over the button to end the call, Casey spoke up.

"General, what if we killed Chuck. Publicly? The kidnapping happens, I give chase, corner them until the man on our side until he drags out Chuck and shoots him in the chest."

"Taking me out of the equation until or unless you guys need me to finish the job," Chuck added at the end, nodding to Casey in agreement.

"With you and Casey gone, who's going to keep Amelia safe?" Sarah asked.

"We'll make a big show of having you stay behind with her," Casey said. "Anyone watching will be completely convinced."

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