Chapter 20

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Amelia woke to find herself still in her workout clothing, still unshowered and still a little bit sore. She wrinkled her nose at the thought of her skin being layered with dry sweat and she checked the time, and gasped. She had slept for three hours!

Quickly as she could, she rose from her bed and walked to her dresser. She grabbed new underclothing and closed the drawer, then turned to the closet to pick out a new dress to wear for dinner. Her shoulders ached when she reached up to grasp the jet-black dress hanging in her closet. John did a wonder on her back though, her legs and feet didn't hurt as much either, Amelia thought to herself. She smiled at the thought of him giving up some time to attend to her needs, it caused her to pause and lean against the closet door.

Amelia had fallen asleep when he was massaging her lower back, his strong, large hands were working tightened knots that formed there. Casey had squeezed and pushed and massaged so gently that while he was working out the knots, he wasn't hurting her in the least. That, Amelia thought to herself, was something of a talent. She was no stranger to spas and resorts, but Casey ranked almost at the very top of her favorite when it came to handling her body rubs. She would definitely request an encore from him, and soon.

Amelia smiled again as she took the dress from the rack, flinching but pushing through the pain of lifting her arms. She reached down and the abs she had were burning with the movement, causing her to wrap an arm around them for support. She grabbed the closest pair of strappy medium black heels that were in her size and stood slowly. She didn't think she had ever been in so much self-inflicted pain before. Perhaps if she were to work out with Casey each day, strengthening her knowledge of Krav Maga, then she would be in much better shape on no time.

Amelia headed off into the shower, her nose picking up smells of cooking coming from the kitchen. Rather than stopping to look, she decided to keep herself in suspense while she readied herself for the meal. She loved surprises and any opportunity to experience a good one was never passed up.

Amelia closed the door to the bathroom before setting her clothing onto the shelf beside the marble sink. She looked at herself in the mirror as she undressed, not certain if her abs were sticking out further or not, they certainly felt quite worked over. Never the overly vain one, Amelia finished undressing and turned on the water, setting it to the perfect temperature before stepping in. She looked over at the little radio placed onto the wall away from the spray of the shower head and began pressing the little buttons on the face plate.

A sweet, slow song came on the radio, loud and clear but she was in the mood for something bouncy and jovial. She switched stations and a modern pop song came on, talking about dancing at the clubs. She smiled and wiggled her hips a little bit to the beat, really enjoying the music in the shower. Secretly she had never owned one and when Casey gave into her demands of having one, she couldn't help but feel the power of the victory that was rarely achieved.

Using her shampoo, conditioner, body wash and then shaving cream, Amelia soon completed her shower, feeling once again human. She towel-dried her hair, rubbed in some leave-in conditioner and then began blow-drying it. It would take her at least 20 minutes of blow-drying and then styling before she was even close to being done. Her long hair was thick and full, feeling like silk after using the conditioner like her nanny had taught her when she was younger.

It wasn't too many more minutes before she finally was confident enough to step out of the bathroom, her make up done to perfection, her hair in a sweeping upward bun with a few strands stylishly let free to hang about her face and then coiled. Her dress wrapped around her lower shoulders, enhancing the length of her neck. It clung, not too tightly, to her body as it drifted downward, toward her knees before it let up ever so slightly, creating a flowing illusion around her ankles. A long slit on either side drove the eyes upward to her thighs once more, but at a tasteful, not daring, height.

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