Chapter 31

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John Casey was a man not put-off by many things. After a full career in the United States Marine Corps, he found his calling in the Black Ops section of the NSA. He'd been on missions that had given most men nightmares for the rest of their lives. He'd held the hands of dying men-in-arms, suffered torture and dealt his fair share as well.

But seeing Walker hooked up to IV's and machines that monitored her heartbeat, blood pressure, oxygen levels and more shook Casey and made his stomach ache.

They closed the door to the private room Sarah was assigned to in the government-operated hospital. Sarah opened her eyes and gave a small smile when she saw her NSA partner and the woman at his side.

"Hi," she said weakly.

"Walker," Casey addressed her. "They treating you well here?"

"I'm told I'm in the best care possible," Sarah answered as Amelia stood by Sarah and took her hand.

"Do you need anything at all? Water? Another pillow?" Amelia asked. Sarah shook her head.

"I'm fine, I promise," she reassured them.

Casey took her chart from the slot located at the foot of her bed.

"Two blood transfusions and a healthy slew of antibiotics, not to mention the stack of painkillers you have on this list... They worked you over, Walker," he said, setting the chart back into the holder before walking over to the machinery.

"Casey, what happened last night?" Sarah said to him. Casey looked up at her.

"What do you remember?" he asked cautiously.

"It's a bit fuzzy," Sarah said, holding her head with her hand. "It was raining, Chuck was bloody...then nothing." Casey sighed and walked around the room. He stopped at the phone by the bed and dialed a number.

"General, Colonel Casey. Agent Walker is lucid and conscious." He listened for a moment and nodded.

"Understood," he answered. He stood for a moment with his back turned from the women before placing the receiver down gently.

Casey sat on the bed next to Sarah and took her by the hand.

"Chuck was shot, Sarah. It happened so fast..." Casey's eyes welled up and his words barely left his mouth for the lump in his throat. Sarah's eyes were uncomprehending for a moment, silence followed as she let it sink in.

"His...status?" she asked Casey. She needed to hear the words, though Casey's expression told her to expect something awful. Casey couldn't meet her eyes at her question.

"Casey," Sarah addressed him firmly. "What is my husband's status?"

"There is no more Intersect," Casey replied softly, looking up at her, a tear trailing down his face. Sarah laid her head back against the pillow, bringing her hands up and over her head and closed her eyes. Tears dripped from the corners of her eyes, rushing out one after another in a race where no one was the winner.

The room filled with thick silence, pain emanated from Sarah and blanketed her visitors. Amelia reached for the generic box of tissues situated on the counter top of the clinic room. Touching Sarah's arm gently, she offered it up. Sarah reached in and wiped her nose, and nodded her thanks.

"It's the least I could do," Amelia said softly. "I can't help but feel it's all on me, the whole thing. And if there's anything I can do--"

"Stop," Sarah interrupted. "None of this is your fault. You're a victim, I'm a victim, Chuck..." Sarah choked back a sob, took a deep breath as more tears fell from her eyes and continued.

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