Chapter 25

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Chuck opened the door and breathed in the air that was in the house, sighing with relief that he was home. Holding it open for Sarah, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him as he shut the door. They swayed back and forth slowly as Sarah smiled up at Chuck's 6-foot frame.

"Are you happy to be home, my darling?" asked Chuck, kissing Sarah's nose.

"I gotta tell you, I'm more than happy you're home," said Morgan from the kitchen, startling both of them.

Chuck released Sarah and gave his best friend the biggest hug of all.

"Whoa, dude, now that's a warm welcome!" Morgan said, patting Chuck on the back.

"You have no idea what we have been through over the last week, pal," Chuck said. Morgan held up his hand.

"You, my friend, have no idea what you have been missing," he interrupted. "Casey and that chick?? I mean, I've seen him around ladies, but this, man, this is something else. This is Han Solo and Princess Leia stuff going on," Morgan walked over to the counter dividing the living room from the dining room and took a drink from the glass he sat there when they walked in.

"Sheesh, man," Morgan said, shaking his head. "I mean, we're talking the King of Cool here, Mr. Machine Gun himself going all bat-crap-crazy cuz he wants to make sure he gets the right jewelry for her. I've never seen the man so shaken up before. But you know me," Morgan said, smiling to himself, "always here to save the day."

Chuck wrapped an arm around Sarah and gave her his "Yeah he's a dork but I love him" look. They walked into the kitchen and Chuck patted him on the shoulder.

"Good for you buddy,"He praised his friend. "I'm glad you were here for him."

"Do you know he actually said 'thank you' to me?? I mean, he really said thank you! I think there may have been tears involved--"

"Ah, I remember when I got the 'thank you' too. Did he whisper it like out of the corner of his mouth?" Chuck asked.

"He might as well have been yelling it into the phone, my man. It was that loud," Morgan answered. Chuck looked impressed.

"Well, look at you, little buddy! I think he might be coming around to you dating his daughter after all," Chuck said.

"Well, you know," Morgan blushed fire-engine red and smiled widely. Chuck patted him on the back again and led Sarah down the hall to their room. They closed the door behind them, leaving Morgan to gloat about his own Casey-praise experience in the living room.

"Hello, bed that I have missed so much," Chuck said, falling face-first onto the mattress. Sarah laughed.

"You wouldn't think you'd miss it so much, but after 27 hours of being on the run and not knowing if we were going to make it..."

"It's fantastic isn't it?" asked Chuck, his words muffled by his comforter. Sarah lay on the bed beside him, her legs dangling off the edge.

"Oh, I'm glad we told Casey we would meet at 8," said Sarah. "I may just use the next couple of hours to sleep."

"Then we won't make the reservation," said Chuck, lifting his head to look at his blonde wife.

"Well, Mr. Bartowski, what is it you suggest we do with our time," Sarah asked, laying her hand across his waist. Chuck grinned and rolled over.

"I think I can come up with a rather good idea or two," he said, wiggling his eyebrows at her while grinning wider. Sarah giggled back and leaned in for a kiss, so glad to hear he had the same thing on his mind as she did on hers.

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