chapter 4.2=starting of my new life pt.2

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Doctor= she is......... fine but she is very weak. It looks like she hasn't eaten atleast for more than 24 hours and she has lots of bruices in her body. She was very stressed thats why she collapsed.

Jungkook=can we take her home.

Doctor= yes but make sure to give her this medicine on time to time, make sure she eats well or else she will become more weak. And dont let her be stressed try to be with her all the time and try to keep her happy.

Jungkook= doctor i will look after her and make sure to keep her safe and healthy.

Doctor: ok. The dicharge papers will be ready soon so for now you can all visit her.

Jungkook nodded and went inside the room while the rest of the members followed behined him.

Jungkook sat on the chair next to y/n while his members stood behinde him with a worried and confused expression on there faces.

Jungkook holded y/n hands while trying to hold his tears.


I saw a bruice in y/n hands. I felt sad for her. Why coudn't i notice this before.

Y/n are you ok i asked as she started to open her eyes slowly. She startes to look around the room with a blank expression on her face.


I looked around the place and i noticed that i was in the hospital.
Jungkook was sitting next to me while holding my hands.
There were 6 more boys behined him. I looked at them then i knew recognized them in a blick. Ofcoures how could i not recognize the BTS. I could focus on them because my head hurts so badly.

Jungkook i shuttered under my breath. Why am i in the hospital and what happened to me. I started to get stressed.

Shhhh your fine now and i will explain to you i know and you will have to explain me the rest, and after that we have to explain my hyungs the whole story , jungkook said while trying to calm me down.

I nodded forming a weak smile on my face.

The doctor came inside the room with some papers on his hands.

Heres the discharge papers and now you can take her home, the doctor said while handing the discharge papers to jungkook

Thanks i will make sure that she is healthy jungkook said while smiling to the doctor.

The doctor nodded and went out.

Jungkook where are we going now. To my dorm ofcourse jungkook said in a joking tone.

Jungkook helped me to stand up. Jungkook i am fi-no your not jungkook cutted my sentence. I sighed and continued to walk.
The rest of the boys followed us from behined very quietly.


We got into the van and everything was quiet until jimmin broke the silence.

Jimmin:Maknae-ah can you tell us what happened we are really worried right now.
Jhope:yeah tell us
Jungkook:we are all most at home so wait until we get there and then we will all sit there peacfully. Then i will tell you what happened.
V= ok we will wait but no delays.

Jungkook nodded.

Yah suga hyung get your dirty head off my shoulder jimmin shouted making all of us flinch in shock.

Aaagh fine i will move my head away but my head is not dirty, suga said while going back to sleep.

Aish these kids jin said.


We came to the bts dorm. I sat the sofa while jungkook sat next to me. V sat next to jungkook while other sat on the floor facing us.


Rm: junkook and y/n since now we are at home can you guys tell us what happened.
Jungkook: i sighed and nodded. I found y/n in the middle of the road collapsed. Every one looked towards y/n with a shocked worried expression on there faces. Y/n looked lkke she was dead then i checked her pulse and realised she was not dead. I immediately took her to the hospital. Then i saw the letter on the bag near her. It says that her mom threw her out the house with nothing but some cloths. Her mother hated her and she also gave her a warning if she will come back home she will kill her. Y/n's mother hated her even before she kept her alive because her farther loved her. Tears started to form in y/n eyes but she holded it back. Otherwise she would have killed her the time when she was.

Jin: Then why did her mom gave birth to her.
Jungkook: i dont know listen to my story plz.

They all nodded and jungkook continued.

Jungkook: i took her to the hospital and treated her. After that i came i was comming home with y/n in the car. She dozed off to sleep in my shoulders. I was feeling hot on my shoulders so i checked her if she had fever. She was buring hot and since she was sleeping i decided not to wake her up thats why i carried her on my arms. Y/n gasped in shock realising the way she got inside the dorm, she started to blush a little. I went inside the bathroom after laying y/n in the bed. I heared a noise from outside so i came out if the bathroom. I saw y/n trying to walk but before i could go near her she collapsed on the floor.
Y/n what actually happened that actually make you collapsed.


I lowered my gaze with the question jungkook asked me. I atyed quiet for a moment and then bursted out crying. I coudnt hold it back any more.

Aaah y/n stop crying with that words jungkook pulled me into jis warm embrance. My face started to heat up but that moment i felt safer than ever.

Its ok y/n tell us what happened , we will all support you , jungkook said while trying to calm me down.
The rest of the members also nodded giving me sure look.

I nodded and and started.

I had bad dream of my past i started still sobbing. In my dream my mother was spanking me with a belt. I cryed for help , but no one came even my step farther was watching my mother hit me with a smirk on his face. Then suddenly my mom grabbed my hair and started to dragged me across the room . She threw me to the dark coner of the room. Then she took a sharp knife and told me ," i am gonna kill you here so there no chance of you to come back to my life and make it miserable, bye bye to hell she said while stabbing the knife in my stomach. And thats where i woke up. I felt dizzt and my throte felt dry thats why i tryed to walk to find some water. I took 3 steps and the next thing i new was there was a black out. I cryed more and jungkook tryes to calm me down.


Jhope: *while crying* y/n you had such a terrible life.
Jin: Dont worry your parents might not be here any more but we are here.

Jungkook: y/n you can go to the guest room and sleep , its very late now.
Suga: yeah go and sleep we will wake up tommorow and thats the beginning to your new life.
Suga smiled to y/n and went to his room.

Everyone : GOOD NIGHT

Every one went to there rooms to sleep.

Jungkook took y/n to the guest room. Y/n if anything happens or of you need anything just yell and i will come jungkook said to y/n.

Y/n held jungkook hands and said "dont leave me alone i am scared". Jungkook smiled do u wanna sleep in my room tonight.
Y/n nodded, and went to jungkooks room to sleep.


Hope you like this chapter😊
I will uptade soon.

Luv shaana♡♡♡

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