chapter 12= MORNING

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I was lying on jungkooks bed which is now more like my bed also. Kookie already slept. I kept hugging the soft pillow tightly until i felt some arms wrapping around my waist. My breath hiched of the sudden move. But as a result i snuggled closer to him and buried my face on his chest. The next thing i knew was my eyes lids getting heavy and i fell asleep.

I woke up in jungkooks arms. He was still in his deep sleep. God he looks so cute when he sleep. I didnt want wake his so i slid through his arms and got up. I put a pillow in his arm and when to take a bath.

I took a bath and went dowm stairs. Jin was already awake making the breakfast. He was whisking some eggs and didnt even notice me comming down. So i decided to sneak up on him. I tiptoed near him. "Boo" i kinda yelled near his ear. "AAAAGH" jin shouted making me fall on flat on my butt." Ouch" i said while standing. "Hahaha thats what you get for scaring me while i am cooking" jin said. "What ever. Can i help you making the breakfast" i asked jin for permission. "Yeah. We are making toast and omlett so you can help me with the toast. I nodded and started to make the toasts.


"Here jin eomma. I finished the toasts". I said while handing him the plate of toasts.
"Gamawwo(thanks) y/n" jin said with a huge smile.
I began arranging the table with jin. I was focusing on my work until i heard jungkook screem from upstairs. I looked at jin and jin looked me with a confused look. We were about to go upstairs until jungkook stormed down the stairs.

"Aaagh y/n your here. Dont scare me like that" jungkook said while catching his breath.
"What did i do" i pouted innocently.
" i woke up hugging a pillow and you was not there. I thought you ran away. I was scared to death " jungkook explained.
" yah why would i run away from such a cute boy friend." I said cutely while pinching his cheecks a little.
"YAH go and do your lovely dovey stuff somewhere else" jin said with a eww expression on his face.
Me and jungkook just laughed.
"Goodu morming" teahyung said in a funny way while rubbing his eyes half asleep
" dont worry he is an alien when he wakes up" jin chuckled.
Taehyung sighed and sat down on the couch.
" y/n-ah can u go wake up yoongi for me" jin asked. I smiled and nodded.
" and he is not and easy person to wake up so if he dont just give a slap in his butt" jin shouted as i was about to enter the yoongis room.

" yoongi oppa iroena~( wake up)" i started ro shake his legs.
He moved a little feeling annoyed, but i kept shaking his legs even harder. He didnt wake up so i though of sleping his butt. " yoongi wake up or i will slep your butt" i said cause i didnt to slap his butt. Yoongi jumed up from the bed. " ANIYO" ( NO).yoongi said lazily. " come down the breakfast is ready" i went down after telling him that.

"Y/n lets go out for a morning walk" jungkook said as i came to the living room. " but the breakfast" i pouted a little. " we can have the breakfast outside. Dont worry." Jungkook asured me. I smiled and nodded. " jungkook make sure y/n eats well if enything happens to her i am gonna hit you with my pink spatulla." Jin warned jungkook waving his pink spatuall. " i dont care but hit me with a black spatualla instead" jungkook said back to jin.

I went up stairs to got ready and came down. Jungkook was waiting for me near the door.
"Lets go" i holded jungkooks arm. " awww now i wish if i have a girl friend" taehyung pouted.

" oppa where are we going" i asked.
" i dont know i just wanted some fresh sir with you ALONE" jungkook said looking at the sky. " lets go have breakfast first" jungkook said pointed to a restaurent near.
"Hmm" i nodded.


Get you tissues ready for the next chapter.

Btw i hope you like this chapter.



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