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Were almost in Korea now, and she's still asleep.
I don't even know her name! She doesn't know mine! We'll get off the plane and part ways and I'll never see her again!! If I don't get the courage to talk to her when she wakes up, then we'll never see each other aga-

"What are you thinking about?" Kai asks. "That girl?" I turn pink.
"There is no need to be embarrassed. It's obvious you like her anyway. You were staring at her for ages and she had to ask you to stop!" he said chuckling.
"It's not funny" I mumbled.
"Sehunnie is in loooveeee" he teased
"hyuuuuung!!! Stop it!!" I moaned.
"okay, okay. But seriously, are you gonna talk to the cutie or not? You haven't got all day." he left me to think about it and started writing something out on a slip of paper, folded it up and kept it securely in his hand.

I do want to speak to her. But I'm not sure how to. The truth is, I've never been able to speak to a girl, not one I like anyway. And since I've become famous, it's almost impossible to even find someone who doesn't just like me because I'm 'EXO's Maknae' ugh. It's tough sometimes.


I can see Sehun staring at her again. She's still asleep and looks so adorable. I wish she was on my shoulder. I decide not to be selfish and talk to Sehun about maybe getting her number, or just speaking to her.
I could give her mine...
I know it's bad; telling him to talk to her but wanting her for myself. But, if he doesn't do anything... Then I will. I start to write my number quickly on a small scrap of paper and fold it into the palms of my hands. I can't let Sehun know what I'm doing. I'll just have to plant it in one of her pockets or her bag. In her coat, perhaps. Somewhere where she'll find it, not where she'll wash it and it comes out with a soggy slip of paper. That's no good. And somewhere where she'll find it soon.

Anyway, we're nearly there now... We'd better get ready to go.


I get woken up by guy 2 gently shaking my head. It turns out I slept the whole way. Wow.
I must admit, waking up next to his face every morning would be amazing. Oh GOD, what AM I thinking?! Ugh.

But those eyes... And smile! Oh I can't be dealing with this.

"It's time to go..." the other guy says, sort of hinting at me to tell him my name.
"(y/n)." I say. Guy 2's eyes sparkle.
"that's a gorgeous name. It really suits you. I always love English names" he smiles a cute smile and I can feel my heart melting inside.
"um, you could tell me yours? Currently I'm just thinking guy 1 and guy 2..."
"Ah, you're thinking about us are you?" guy 1 says. He laughs and it kind of does a bit more damage to me inside. "I'm Kim Jong in. And that's oh Se hun."
"You can just call me Sehun. That's fine" guy 2 says.
"Okay, so Sehun and Jong in. Okay. Nice to meet you." I hold out my hand for them to shake. Sehun's hands were so warm and big, they felt like a glove. It just felt right. Once again, extremely clichéd, I know.

"Kai. Sehun. You ready?" a voice from behind startles me and I'm frozen mid-shake with Jong in. The guy that spoke just wiggled his eyebrows then sits back down to collect his bag.
"Yeah, um. My friends call me Kai." he said, nervously.
"Cool" I said. "Cool".

This is pretty short and I didn't know how to end it so I hope it's okay!! If you have any ideas please let me know!!

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