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(e/c) - your eye colour


It's been around a week now. She still hasn't woken and she still isn't dead. Oh Se Hun is still by her side, everyday. He won't leave her. A few times, other people have come into the room saying 'Sehun where were you?!' and 'Coach was not impressed - again' but he'd just shrug his shoulders and keep looking at (y/n). He has barely gone home. He's had showers here, but he hasn't used soap. Which isn't the most hygienic for a hospital. He just stands inside saying 'please god. If anything I need it now. I need a miracle'


I wish I'd had time to get to know her properly. The members are trying to make me let it go. They're all sad too, even though they didn't know her. But... I just knew when I saw her that something would happen between us. And maybe she did too.
I want to find out more about her, and the best way is probably to talk to her best friend.
I lift her finger to her phone carefully and unlock it. I don't know where to go. There is an image of (y/n) and another girl smiling together at a beach.
That's probably either her sister, or her best friend.
I decide to open the messaging application, and look for someone she texts a lot. The first number at the top is 'Sehun💕' I laugh to myself. That's cute. I look to the next name down and read 'Lauren ❤️😝' that looks like a friend maybe? They've sent eachother many texts, so I decide it's a safe bet.
The phone rings once before she picks up, and a sweet voice answers.
"Heyyy!!! (y/n)! How are you??" I just wait a bit. I forgot; she doesn't know about what happened to (y/n).
"(y/n)? Hello?? You lovestruck?" she giggled.
"N-no." I managed to reply.
"Y-you're not (y/n)!! Who are you?!" she started to sound very defensive and scared.
"Don't worry. I'm - I'm (y/n) 's friend here is Seoul." she squealed down the phone.
"KAI!! IS THAT YOU?! Are you and (y/n) dating yet?? Oooh. LOOOOVEEEE." she sighs. "(y/n) has told me ALL about you. But your voice seems a little softer that she described it as." she giggles.
"I-I have to go" I tap the 'hang up' button and look down at (y/n). Kai. She likes Kai. That's... Great. I can't stay here. There is no point. I walk straight out of the hospital room, not kissing (y/n) on the hand and not saying goodbye to the doctor. I won't be coming back.

Time skip 2 days


Sehun hasn't spoken to me since the incident. But Kyungsoo told me he's stopped seeing (y/n). So, I decided to go instead.
The room was cold, but the doctor sais that was the best way to keep it, in her state.
"It will help her get a more rapid response to the surroundings, rather than it being comfortable and warm. I have also had a think about something to comfort her. The last senses to go before anyone dies is their sense of smell and hearing. So, find out her favourite scent and spray it by her pillow each night. It will mate it easier for her to be 'relaxed' and it may wake her up. "
I nodded. She's never told me her favourite scent. I've never had time to ask her.
I see her phone lying next to her lamp, and I use her finger to unlock it. If anyone will know, it'll be her best friend. I take a lucky guess at 'Lauren ❤️😝' and put the phone to my ear.
"Hello?!" she shouts. Deafening me for a second in one ear. "Is this Sehun again? I'm sorry!"
"Erm, no. It's Kim Jong In." I reply.
"Oh. Right. Hii !!!" she clearly doesn't know what's going on. And I decide to fill her in.

"So that brings us to the current day. I'm here with (y/n) and I need to know her favourite scent."
She's still crying. I can't blame her though, I can't see how anyone wouldn't like her. She hasn't a bad bone in her body. I manage to get out of her that (y/n) loves the smell of men's perfume. I thank her and hang up.
Men's perfume? That could be any! I'll try mine. I reached into my dance bag and pulled out my spare bottle of perfume and spray it near her head on the pillow. Nothing will work immediately, so I'll go to rehearsal and check on her later. I'll have to borrow all the boy's perfumes and try them.


It's been ten days since the other lad came in. Each day, he's brought an extra lad, and they've sprayed their perfume on her pillow. Nothing has worked. He came back yesterday, but alone. He didn't know I was here, but I wished to keep it that way. He just buried his head into her pillow and sobbed. For about 4 hours. He kept on repeating himself. 'I'm sorry.' 'I miss you.'

But today, no one came in. There wasn't much progress. She could stay like this for years.



I hear a door open and close along the corridor. I pop my head out of the main office to look down, and I see a shadow enter (y/n) 's room. I stop talking to the secretary and follow the figure. I peer in through the window. I can just make out his face by the light seeping through the blinds from the streetlights below. I let him stay. He looks awful, and has clearly had no sleep over her.


I walk in a fall to the floor by her bed. Nothing has changed. She's still the stiff body she was yesterday, when I slipped in. I've been visiting her every evening. Without people knowing. Although, I haven't been able to stand by her side like this. The door has always been locked. I rest my head on her shoulder and cry. Not for me missing her. But for her. She's gone through so much. I found out yesterday from Kyungsoo that she's orphaned. Because someone killed her parents when she was young. I found out she was abused by her uncle and thrown to the floor, cracking her head open on the left side, which is what lead to her being in this state. I found out she had no friends other that Lauren, but she had to move away to America. And now, her life is on the line. We've only just met. I had lots of plans to make her life as happy as I could.
I just sit there for god knows how long. It starts to get light. I feel a tickling sensation on my neck. I've never felt that before. I sit up and look to where my neck was. It was by her nose. I place my hand infront of her nose and feel the pressure. She's breathing. I look down her chest and see it rising and falling. I want to run out the door to fetch a doctor, but I just stand there and I can't move. I'm practically bursting with joy. The Doctor walks in, and sees her. "What did you do?!" he exclaims. An excited look on his face.
"N-nothing! I just lay next to her." I replied, panicked.
"No don't worry. You've done it. It's clearly your smell she likes." he replied
"Your smell. Perfume. It's her favourite."
A broad smile creeps across my face. I look over to (y/n) again and her eyelashes are fluttering. She's trying to open her eyes. She manages to after a couple of times trying. I saw her (e/c) eyes again and it made me almost fall in love with her again.

Hey guys. So. What do you think? I'm pretty proud of that idea. I know it's clichéd and as you were reading it, you were probably thinking I know what's going to happen next. But oh well. I enjoyed writing it.

Please vote for my chapters ❤️❤️ thank you.

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