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Tails P.O.V

Trix pulled me behind her and stood in a defensive stance. It would've warmed my heart to see she cared about me if we weren't in such a tight situation.

"Bravery. Such an interesting personality trait..." said a robotic voice. I turned my head to see a robotic snake curled up on a couch carried by robot slaves.

"Python." Trix growled.

"So, you remember dear old dad." said the robot. 

"Who are you?" I asked.

"That's Python. He's the founder of this organization and my... creator." Trix said, hesitating on the last word.

"Let us go!" I said.

"Oh, but you are infected with my virus now. You belong to me, puny carbon beings!" said the snake.

"Oh, I'll show you just how puny I am." Trix said, pulling out two small sticks from her jacket pocket. She gave them a flick and they extended into two swords.

"Where'd you get those?" I asked.

"I made them when you weren't looking." Trix said.

"Ah. I see." I said.

"Enough stalling! It's clear that neither of them came by their own will. Blast them cleanly with a laser and take their bodies to the laboratory for disecting." Python hissed. Trix let out a battle cry and engaged in battle. She was swift and deadly. Any robots within a five foot radius was sliced to pieces. My job was to try and not get shredded seeing as we were still handcuffed.

"Uh, not that I mind being with you, but could you maybe do something about these cuffs?" I asked.

"Right! Sorry." she said, slicing the handcuffs off of us.

"Fools! I guess if you want something done, you have to do it yourself!" Python said. He unravelled his long snake body and barreled towards us. I was quick to roll away but Trix was too slow. Python had his tails curled around her, slowly squeezing her to death.

"Let her go!" I shouted. Python grinned.

"And why would I do that?" he said. By now, Trix's face was turning blue. Well, bluer than it already was. 

"Get... help..." she wheezed before losing consciousness.

Suddenly, a glowing blue ball crashed through the ceiling.

"Sonic!" I said.

"I heard you needed some help." he said. Amy, Sticks and Knuckles smashed in as well.

"Code blue!" Python hissed. Immediately, the facility went into lockdown.

"Help Trix!" I said, pointing to the giant snake.

"On it!" Amy said, slamming her hammer into the snake. It hissed in pain and dropped Trix. Amy grabbed her and dragged her out of the way while Sticks threw her boomerang at the snake.

"The robot apocalypse is nigh!" she yelled before throwing her boomerang once more. 

I looked over at Trix and was relieved to see that the color had returned to her face. She got up and slid across the floor to where she had dropped her swords. She picked them up and resumed battling. 

The room was on lockdown so I rushed to the control panel to try and open the doors. Python noticed this and charged towards me with his mouth wide open, fangs bared. Trix jumped in front of him and sliced off one off his fangs. The serpent hissed in pain and venom spayed everywhere. Trix retracted one of her swords and flicked it again. It opened up like a fan and created a shield. She protected me and the control panel.

Once the shower of poison was over she rushed over to Knuckles and helped him out of a smaller snake robot's grasp. Amy and Trix then ran over to Sticks who was battling Python alone.  

"Try to hit him in the mouth. He has a thick, armored outer shell that can't be penetrated." Trix said.

"Easier said than done!" Amy said, avoided a spray of venom. I looked up from the control panel as I was finished with it and saw Sonic spin attack the robot serpent only to be swallowed whole. 

"Sonic!" Amy cried.

"You'll pay for that!" Sticks said, jabbing the snake in the eye with her stick.

"Hang on, I'm going in after him." Trix said. She charged Python as he opened wide. She spun around slashing at Python, cutting of his other fang. Thankfully, there was no shower of venom. Trix took off her jacket, propped the snake's mouth open with her sheild and slid down his throat. Knuckles, Amy, Sticks and I held the snake down while fending off the other robots. It was no easy task.

Suddenly, we saw something emerge from Python's mouth. Trix dragged Sonic out of the snake. He had a coughing fit before standing up and brushing off a slimy substance that must have been the snake's gastric acid. 

"Gross..." he muttered. Nevertheless, Amy tackled him in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" she said.

"Never spin dash a snake. Never." Trix said, picking up her jacket.

"Yeah, I think I learned my lesson." he said.

"Guys, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but we have to get of here." I said, pointing and the robots who were closing in on us. We all dashed out of the building and made in back to Sonic's shack. Trix jumped into the ocean.

"Ah! Water!" she said.

"Seriously? You're happy to see water?" Sonic asked.

"Well, yeah! I mean, the feeling of snake goo on your fur is not the best in the world." she said, stepping out of the water.

"Well, now you're dripping wet." he said.

"I can just use the amulet." Trix said.

"Use the amulet?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah, my memory is restored so I remember how to use it now." Trix said. The amulet started glowing and she spread her arms out. I watched in wonder and the water in her fur floated off her. She raised her hands and the water went higher into the air. She then made it hover over Sonic's head and released it, giving Sonic a well-needed shower.

"Wow, thanks a lot..." he grumbled.

"So alien robots were behind the zombie mind-controlling?" Sticks asked.

"Well, they're not aliens but otherwise, yeah." Trix said.

"Well, how do we stop it?" Amy said.

"Well, on the way out, I grabbed a vial of this." Trix said.

"Does it cure the virus?" I asked.

"Sure does. Here, drink some." she said, passing some to me before drinking some herself.

"So, this Chimera thingy. What exactly is its goal?" Sonic asked.

"I don't know, they're building a mind controlled mutant army! What do you think they're doing?" Trix asked.

"World domination!" Knuckles exclaimed.

"For once, you're right." Trix said.

The Stars Are Falling: Book 1 (Sonic Boom Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now