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Trix P.O.V

"Well, I think it's safe to say, after that adventure, you've proven your worth and you're now officially part of the team!" Sonic told me. I jumped up in excitement and delight.

"We should celebrate! How 'bout we go to town? You've never been there before even though you've stayed with us so long!" Tails said.

"I think that's a great idea! I finally have someone I can go shopping with!" Amy said.

"Whatever you say, Amy." I giggled.

"Wait, so she's a potato?" Knuckles asked.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm confused right now." Knuckles said.

"You and me both, buddy." I said. We all laughed.

"Come on! There's a new clothing store and there's an opening sale!" Amy said, grabbing me and Sticks's hands and rushing towards town.

"You guys coming?" I asked the boys.

"We'll catch up with you later!" Sonic said.

"Have fun!" Tails called.

We arrived at a small clothing store run by a shrew. I was looking at some skinny jeans when Amy grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the back of the store. My jaw-dropped. The room was filled with elegant dresses. Sticks was already there, admiring the shiniest dress.

"I like shiny things..." she murmured.

"I just discovered the back room!" Amy said.

"I didn't think it was big enough for this." I said.

"Oh, it's a lot bigger on the inside. And it has basement levels." said a store clerk who had just joined us.

"Really?!" Amy squeezed before spotting a flight of stairs and charging down them.

"This actually works out well since there's an upcoming ball next weekend and all members of team Sonic are invited. Heck, every celebrity in town is going to be there!" Sticks said.

"Wait... So I have to go to a ball?!" I cried.

"Wait a minute! You guys are from team Sonic?" the store clerk said.

"Uh, yeah?" I said.

"Wow! Huge fan! It's an honor to meet you!" she cried, shaking me and Sticks' hands.

"Well, I only got admitted today, but-" I started.

"Really?! Team Sonic has a new member? I have got to post this on the Sonic Blog!" she squealed, taking out her phone.

"So, team Sonic is a big thing in town?" I asked, a bit displeased. I thought team Sonic was modest and humble.

"Yeah. I don't like it either. But it's just natural. As Eggman attacks neighboring villages too, a lot of people come to Hedgehog Village for safety. It's not even a village anymore. Since we save people and all, we just naturally become celebrities. We used to be ordinary folk eight years ago." Sticks said.

"And I can imagine how some team mates' egos didn't help much." I said.

"You bet." she said.

"Hey, I think this sparkly black ball gown will look good on you!" I said, pointing to one of the dresses on the mannequins.

"Well, it's the least objectable option..." she said.

"I'll put that in a box for you!" the store clerk said, rushing off to get a box.

"At least the service is better when you're famous." Sticks said.

The Stars Are Falling: Book 1 (Sonic Boom Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now