Lunch of Doom

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Trix P.O.V

I phoned Sonic, Knuckles and Sticks to ask them if they wanted to eat a late lunch together at Meh Burger. They said they were already there eating and told us to join them. I left out the part about Shadow coming with us.

"Great! Now we just need to find Shadow." I said.

"I'm still not sure this is a good idea." Tails muttered.

"And I can clobber him for ruining Trix's shoulder!" Thalia said.

"I thought you wanted him to come along!" I said.

"Yeah, but everyone deserves a clobbering." Thalia said.

"We seriously need to work on your social skills." I said, shaking my head.

"How would you know any better?" she said.

"I don't think about beating people up all the time." I said, crossing my arms.

"Ugh! Fine! I won't beat Shadow up. But he does deserve it!" Thalia said.

"I thought you liked him. Weren't you the one who said he was misunderstood?" I asked.

"He's misunderstood but he deserves a clobbering." Thalia said bluntly.

"Ah. I see." I said.

"Would you happen to know where he lives by any chance?" Tails asked. Thalia fished into my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.

"He wrote his phone number on a piece of paper and slipped it into your pocket." Thalia said.

"How could I not have noticed?" I asked, baffled. Shadow sure was sneaky.

"And why would he do that in the first place?" Tails asked.

"He wants you, or rather us, to call him because he's in love. He disgusts me.." she said, crossing her arms.

"You don't like anyone besides me, do you?" I asked.

"Nope. And even you drive me nuts sometimes." Thalia said.

"Thanks for the compliment." I mumbled sarcastically. I dialed Shadow's number in my phone and waited. It took him a good thirty seconds to pick up.

"Why, hello." he said at the other end of the phone, he said it in such a manner that I knew he was trying to be seductive but was failing miserably.

"My evil twin wants to meet you. Be at Meh Burger in five. Also, how did you know it was me?" I asked.

"I know everything." he said.

"I'm the only one who knows your number, aren't I?" I said before hanging up.

"That guy disgusts me." I said.

"But you were flustered when you first saw him." Tails said.

"That wasn't me." I said, nodding to Thalia. She smacked me.

"I thought he was fluffy! Besides, it was my thoughts translated into your reaction. You were always over dramatic and shy." she said.

"Fine, whatever you say." I said.

We strolled over to Meh Burger only to find Sonic and the gang battling Shadow.

"What's their deal?" I asked.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Thalia said.

"Of course. We're twins and we still have a strong neural connection. I know exactly what you're thinking but I don't agree." I said.

"Oh come on!" Thalia complained.

"No clobbering anyone." I said firmly. I marched right up to the two mid-battle and stood between them just as they were about to spin dash into each other.

The Stars Are Falling: Book 1 (Sonic Boom Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now