The Truth

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Trix P.O.V

We passed through town while reporters swarmed around me. Tails and Amy swatted them away while trying to bandage my shoulder and telling me not to walk with broken ribs.

"I told you! I was designed with quicker cellular regeneration! I'll be fine!" I repeatedly complained.

After making it make to the workshop, my friends huddled around me, preparing for my story.

"It all started in Chimera's lab. I was originally just a brain floating in liquid. I couldn't fell anything. I could only think. Then, I was hooked up to another brain. Her core DNA was very similar to mine but our personalities were very different. We were kind of like twins. After decades of knowing each other, we shared each other's strengths. That's when I learned the importance of will power. With no will, you are weak. You are only mind strong if you believe you can do anything, if you will yourself to.

For some reason, Chimera joined our two brains together, although my counterpart's is more dormant. I was then hooked up to two other brains. You know them. They were T and I. After sufficient brain development, they used artificial cellular construction to create bodies for us that matched our personalities. 

Our bodies were those of newborns so that Chimera could study our development, even though we were over twenty years old mentally. So I'm mentally thirty six. Imagine being thirty six years old and living in a sixteen year old body. Not that I'm complaining. I enjoy my youth.

Anyway, I sometimes experience violent urges when my counterpart takes over. She's quite aggressive by nature. T and I were told that I was just like them, but in truth, Chimera was just testing the effects of having two brains together. Apparently, they'd intended for my more violent twin to be more dominant but she had a brain tumor so they had to switch our roles so that the whole experiment didn't get compromised.

I didn't match their standards, but they treated me and my friends cruelly and vigourously trained us physically. They waited and waited but I never seemed to get aggressive urges. I was originally supposed to attack I and T.  But instead I befriended them. Subject X was created as another version of me, but with a stronger body and a smaller brain that Chimera manipulates better. I, Torin, and I  weren't  released for them to see if we'd come back. I broke us out of there. But we were separated. I almost drowned but I and T must have dragged me out before we were split.

The amulet I have was very important to Python. It's the key to rapid cellular regeneration. Without it, they are incapable of created more super soldiers. 

Python believed that if someone stole the amulet from the worthiest of owners, the thief would come back to the scene of the crime out of free will. I guess we busted that theory.

So I have a twin who lives in my head and an amulet that is probably one of the most dangerous objects in the world.

I'm sorry." I sighed.

"Why would you be sorry?" Tails asked.

"I didn't tell you this information because I was afraid of what you would think. Anyone would have thought I was a crazy psychopath. In fact, I am. Well, I was designed to be, but never did become one. I guess that makes me a failure and both sides." I said, my eyes watering. 

"Hey, you're not a failure." Sonic said, scooting over next to me.

"Yeah! You're an amazing person! What you did back there with Shadow... I don't think we would be alive right now if it weren't for you!" Tails said.

"You're a wonderful cook, a strong hero, and a great inventor! How does any of that make you a failure?" Amy asked, hugging me.

"You all really think so?" I sniffed, wiping a tear for my eye.

"Of course we do!" Sticks said.

"We all do." Knuckles said.

"Thank you." I said as we all cuddled into a group hug.

Once we broke the hug, an idea came to my mind. It hit me so hard, I stumbled backwards.

"What's wrong?" Tails asked.

"I've got it!" I said.

"Got what?" he asked.

"Using my amulet, I can reconstruct the cells of my twin and we can be separate again! With her slightly aggressive nature separated from my calmer one, the clashing of the two personalities will be split once more and the overall anxiety and anger leading to violent surges will decrease significantly!" I exclaimed.

"Don't you think it's a bad idea to recreate the twin who almost killed Shadow the Hedgehog?" Sonic asked.

"That was both of us. And she's not violent all the time. She's a nice person, really. She just has anger management issues, that's all." I said.

"This is still a bad idea." Sonic said.

"Don't be silly. Having another person to fight Chimera is just what we need!" I said.

"I'm not sure. An evil twin mutant? This isn't going to end well." Sticks said.

"You're just paranoid. You'll see. She's really nice!" I said. 

"If you say so." Sonic said.

The Stars Are Falling: Book 1 (Sonic Boom Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now