The End of a Story?

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It was three a.m. Tails lay next to me on my bed. I had my favorite pajamas on, the ones with the little blue hearts. Tails said I looked adorable with them on. Thalia was staying with Shadow, and I'd altered her physical form so that she looked a lot older. It was less awkward for her and Shadow that way.

I on the other hand was perfectly happy with the body I had. It meant I was physically the same age as Tails. I even registered my age as sixteen when the mayor offered all of team Sonic citizenship, even though Thalia registered as her real age, thirty six. That meant she was officially my older sister and not my twin, even though our mental age was the same.

Shadow had been pardoned by the town and was also granted citizenship. He registered his age as thirty nine, though nobody knows his real age. He looked a lot younger than that to me. I guess he just did that so that his age was close to Thalia's, because is that was his real age, he would almost be a middle aged man.

After the battle, thanks to the power of my amulet, the whole town had been saved. All that was left to do was clean up the robot debris. Tails and I planned on rebuilding his plane the next day since it had exploded.

What became of Torin, his murderer, was still unknown. He must have slipped away while we were tending to Tails. I had no problem with that. He did whatever he needed to to save his skin. Without a motive to kill, he wasn't a murderer.

The only bad news about being with Tails was that the 'trails' hashtag was everywhere on the web. Apparently that was our ship name. The internet was brimming with fan art and fan fictions, thought it didn't bother me too much. At least all the fans who were in love with me left me alone now.

I inhaled deeply and sighed as I laid back down. I leaned over to the other side of the bed and planted a kiss on Tails' forehead.

"I love you, my little kitsune." I whispered. Tails smiled blissfully in his sleep.

I closed my eyes and slipped into a deep slumber.

The next morning I woke up and stretched. I saw that Tails was still sound asleep next to me, so I got out of bed and made my way to his hut right next doors still in my pajamas. A couple of reporters tried to get an interview with me but I waved them away.

I went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast: an egg and cheese omelette, crispy bacon, pancakes with butter and maple syrup and a glass of homemade juice. I stuffed a large muffin in my mouth before putting all the items on a tray and bringing them back to the workshop. Just in time.

Tails rolled over and yawned before stretching.

"Hey, Trix!" he said when he saw me.

"I made you breakfast." I said.

"You didn't have to! You're too nice." he said, blushing. I blushed too at the compliment.

Once he'd eaten up, he got cleaned up and we headed down to reconstruct his plane.

"Torin was a real jerk. That was a really nice plane." I said as I rummaged through a box of tools.

"Yeah, well, I'm mad because he nearly killed you." Tails said.

"He actually killed you." I said.

"But if I hadn't died, both of us would have died." Tails said. I frowned as the sentence didn't make sense.

"You know what, let's just be glad he's gone." Tails said. I laughed.

"Yeah. Although I don't get why he was so determined to kill you before he left." I said.

"Simple. He's jealous. He hates me." he said.

"How so?" I asked.

"I stole your heart, and he wanted it. Classic love triangle." Tails said.

"It was more of a triangle that became a square when Shadow joined but then became a pentagon when I separated from Thalia." I said.

"Every topic we try to talk about ends up really complicated!" Tails laughed.

"Yeah, but you know what isn't?" I said.

"What?" Tails asked, tilting his head. I leaned over and planted a kiss on his lips.

"I'll love you no matter what. Even if that's the only thing that makes sense in the entire world."

Only a few days later, it was the date of the grand town ball. I donned the blue dress I'd bought with Amy at that fascinating clothing store. I emerged from the dressing room. I headed over to Tails, who was wearing a blazer. He had refused to wear pants.

"How do I look?" I asked. Tails gaped at me like a fish before straightening up and clearing his throat. I laughed.

"That bad?" I said.

"No! No! You look great! You look amazing! You look-" he stammered.

"I think that's quite enough. Now let's get going! We're going to be late!" I said, giggling.

"Well, you're always fashionably late." he said.

"You know what Thalia would say? 'You disgust me'" I said.

"Is that a running joke now?" Tails asked.

"We all know she always means the opposite of what she says. And it probably will be a running joke pretty soon!" I said.

We ran out of the house laughing and telling jokes and hailed a taxi. The driver drove us to the town hall and Tails jumped out, holding out his hand for me. I took it and climbed out of the vehicle. I insisted on paying the driver and we walked up the steps to the grand hall. The doorman opened the door and we stepped into the elegantly decorated ballroom.

"Lady Trix the fox and Sir Tails the fox have arrived." cried the announcer.

"Lady Trix? Sir Tails?" I asked. Tails shrugged and we burst into a fit of giggles.

We danced the night away, dining on exquisite food and sharing stories.

Sonic and Amy came together of course. Knuckles and Sticks had reluctantly agreed to go as partners as well. However, the pair that surprised us the most was Shadow and Thalia. They actually seemed happy about it and both of them looked shy. Shy! It was completely unlike them. It was crazy. But then again, love makes us do crazy things.

Just look at how far we've gotten.

The End

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