[ twenty six ]

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Yoongi came in and spotted Jungkook. Immediately frowning and sinking in his spot when he sat down.

"what?" Jungkook tried not to sound harsh. He was eager to know what they've talked about.

"Namjoon said something." Shit.

Yoongi didn't mean to NOT say it but he was scared. It hasn't even been a month of them yet but he's already scared of losing Jungkook. He doesn't know why but something inside him feels like it's right not to tell him.

and he regrets listening to that.



"what is that something yoongi?"

Should he tell him?

It was now or never. It's better he'd find out from yoongi rather than somewhere else.

"Remember? No more secrets." Jeon says one more time and guilts Yoongi before he speaks up.

"Namjoon confessed" Jungkook's neck turns red and his ears as well.. He looks quite funny but not in this situation. He looks furious.


"what did he say?" He forces the words out and looks away, he wanted to feel okay with it but he just can't.

"He told me how he's been dying to tell me how much I mean to him but he was too late and how I found someone new"

If yoongi hadn't met jungkook, would he have ended up with Joon?

He wanted to smack himself, why would he think that?

>flashback <
"Now. What do you want to say?"

Joon slightly shivers and clasps his hands together , trying to gather up all the courage and heat.

"I-i like you"


"I like you, i don't even know if it's love or like"

Wow. Love is such a big word for Yoongi. You can't just throw it like that.

"how many months have you felt this 'love'?"

"11 years"

they've been friends for the longest time, they've been rapping together and seriously not once did they even have a major fight.

"that's too long"

Yoongi's mouth flies open and Joon still avoiding eye contact with him continues.

"I was planning on telling you sooner, but you kept on going out with Jeon and look at you two happily living together"

He looks at the door, like Jungkook could be on the other side.

"Joon... i'm sorry"

"hyung, you don't have to be"

"you would find someone better ya know?"


"oh my god. this is so depressing"

Yoongi laughs a little and Joon rides along with it. It was kind of saddening and it was new to them, this kind of issue between them.

"The underground misses you"

"Well, no one really wants to battle nor do I have the energy to go there every night"

"aight, chill"

Yoongi rolls his eyes and Namjoon does too.

"You should uhm, go back? to your man"

"hmm, i'm so sorry again joon"

"it's nothing"

Obviously, joon was hurting all this time and he was keeping it only to himself.

And yoongi didn't like that part.

"Hyung I know you, don't blame yourself"

"but it's my reason you've been closed-off for so long"

"it was my decision hyung"

Joon ruffles Yoongi's hair and he hisses, fixing his hair again and hitting Joon.

"i gotta go, duties"

"goodluck dude"

"mhm, see you around then"

This sounded awkward but they felt like they were starting over again. There was another wall that was needed to be broken but it requires time.

With that, Yoongi nods and goes inside.

>End of Flashback<

"That's all?"

"well what would you expect? for me to kiss him or something?" Jungkook was taken back by this answer a little but brushes it off and looks at Yoongi for a while.


"nothing" He hugs yoongi and inhales his scent and it helped him relax.

"you know sometimes you're really weird" Yoongi blurts out and he doesn't know whether he should take it back or not.

"well you're actually pretty weird too" Jungkook said while his face was in Yoongi's tummy, tickling yoongi in between words.

"stop it! it tickles okay?" He pushes Jungkook's head up a bit, not wanting to really push it back or he might break a bone or something.

"Tickles?" Jungkook smirks and looks down at Yoongi with a grin before tickling him, letting yoongi cry out for help and tears were already forming in his eyes

"J-jungkook!" He said out of breath. He was grasping for something in the air but he was failing so instead, his hands found their way to Jungkook's back and he pushed him down to stop. almost crushing himself too.

It's 2 AM and I just woke up, Idk how I did typed in a whole chapter while squinting my eyes.

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