Altean alchohol isnt like earth

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Lance had never had a full glass of alcohol before , never mind the amount he had had tonight, at home ,  with his family back in Cuba he would be given a couple of sips of the adults alcohol on special occasions like at Christmas. Everyone would be smiling and laughing. The atmosphere was homely and joyful. But now he was in a different atmosphere. A party on a grand scale. With weird aliens , and people who thought they knew him...but didn't really know anything about him at all. He sighed sipping at a glass of brightly coloured alcohol , he was trying not to get drunk he is still seventeen after all but in space the legal drinking age is fourteen apparently , so with no restrictions on his much he can drink he was starting to get a little tipsy. So here he was in the castle at a celebration with an alien race called kakorians they were small , about up to pidge's waist , they had cat ears , whiskers and tails and dragon like wings. Everything else about them looked human apart from the fact that some of them had crazily coloured hair and eye colours , but then again so did most humans and a lot of them did have normal coloured hair and eyes.

Lance huffed as he downed another glass of altean alcohol wondering where Allura and coran found it , Keith was being grumpy in a corner drinking shot after shot of the alcohol while brooding over something. His dark eyebrows were scrunched up in a frown , and his cheeks were kind of flushed , either from intoxication...or from being in a rut... , pidge had a glass of a blue coloured alcohol in her hand while quizzing the kakorians on thier technology , her eyes sparkled with interest as she learned about the advanced technology of the Kakorian race , shiro , Allura and coran were drinking and talking to the kakorians chief about future plans for the war and what they could do to help the Kakorians civilisation get back on their feet , and hunk was drinking a purple coloured alcohol and chatting about the cuisine.  Lance was glad that so far no one had noticed his heat , it really sucked being the only omega on the team and he was running out of suppressants. His scent would start showing through soon if he didn't get more and his heat would be a lot stronger...and probably a lot more painful.  He grabbed a glass of green alcohol that tasted like sour apple bubblegum and walked over to Kieth...why he was heading to the mullet even he didn't know , his body was walking over there on its own accord. Lance plopped down next to kieth and took a sip of his drink "Oí mullet what you up to"  Keith groaned , why the hell was lance here? Was fate torturing him? He'd been lost in his depressing thoughts of why lance hated him , while suffering through his rut , his need to make lance his , but lance would never want him , besides lance was an alpha , so being together would be damn near impossible. He glared at the Latino boy to try and scare him off before he did something he might regret. "shut up lance why are you here anyway" he hissed. " I was bored keeeef " lance gave Keith a cute little pout and Keith's walls instantly crumbled , because lance looked to adorable , they bickered back an forth but there wasn't any malice was just....friendly banter...Lance liked bickering with Kieth because it was fun to get a reaction out of him...and it seemed to be the only way to get Kieths attention which is what he craved the most. Although he sometimes wished it didn't have to be this way. If only Keith would view him as an equal... Lance had long since had feelings for Kieth even at the garrison , he had always found the emo , unapproachable , uptight alpha strangely endearing. Lance smirked as he thought of one of his many secrets , the fact that no matter how much he denied it or teased Kieth over it he was very much emo....but if he admitted that he wouldn't be able to tease Keith so best to keep that a secret. Plus Keith would torture him with the G note for revenge. "So aren't you gonna flirt with the alien girls like always?" Kieth teased. "Nah. winding you up is more fun~ anyways did u finally learn the chant?" Kieth looks confused and lance sighs " you know I say VOL and you say TRON.....VOL..." " vol..tron? " Keith says with a questioning tone. lance groaned and face palmed "You're never gonna learn it are You." He whined.
Kieth hiccuped "you're so annoy-*hic*-ing " He randomly laughed right after. "and your mullets ugly" lance retorted.  He stared at Kieth's beautiful violet eyes , his porcelain skin , dark hair , his plump lips . Fuck Kieth was hot and it drove lance's inner omega insane , he wanted Kieth to hold him , love him , ....touch him.... lance blushed heavily "-ance are you al...ight?" he vaguely registered a voice and snapped his head up to Kieths face dang it mullet was taller that him now "huh what I'm fine " he stumbled out quickly not wanting Kieth to be suspicious of him. "You sure? You don't seem alright" Kieth said with a hint of genuine concern in his voice. He placed his hand on Lance's shoulder.  "yeah I'm fine" lance huffed and then finished his drink. Setting it on a tray he went to get another drink for him and Kieth. Why not hang out with the alpha for a while. They weren't fighting for once , the atmosphere between them was friendly. Maybe too Friendly. As the two got increasingly more drunk , they got progressively more handsy with each other. Somehow Lance ended up in Keith's lap , and Keith ended up with his hand on Lance's thigh. The Latino was giggling at something that Keith had said as he kept trying to sip his alcohol without spitting it out. Keith was admiring how pretty lance looked when he smiled , and how beautiful his laugh sounded , it was so melodic he could play it on repeat. The others were so occupied with what they were doing , or were too drunk to notice Keith pick lance up and carry him out of the main ball area and out of sight. Lance wasn't making any complaints but then again he was incredibly drunk.

Time skip: an hour later...(warning smut)

Lance moaned softly as Kieth pushed him onto the bed growling as he grinded against lances crotch. "hnnAhH k-Kieth"
Kieth nibbled on lances ear having lost control of his alpha from being intoxicated. He licked lances ear lobe making the Cuban moan loudly and grip the sheets. Lance had no clue how he had gotten into Keith's room and why the alpha was doing this but he certainly wasn't complaining having fantasised about this multiple times. "Nnnnnggg" lance moaned out as Keith left hickeys on his neck. Kieth shrugged off his jacket and then pushed lances top up before sliding his leather clad hands over lances stomach up to his nipples before pinching and sucking them making him moan loudly "HHnNnnn" lance arched his back into Keith's touch as he watched Keith yank of the black t-shirt revealing pale skin and a six pack , within a couple of minutes Keith was naked and lance was just in his sweatshirt , apparently Kieth couldn't wait long enough to take the last article of clothing off as he attacked lances neck again lance realised Kieth was still wearing his gloves he couldn't dwell on it for long as Kieth kisses him on the lips hard. He moaned into the kiss as thier tongues swirled together lance wrapped his arms around Kieths neck as Kieth entered him he cried out because it hurt so he focused on the kiss and slowly the pain turned to pleasure as Kieth started to pound into him and lance moaned desperately Keith eventually found lances prostate and repeatedly abused it making lance a mess. Lance's face was flushed his eyes half closed and saliva dribbled down his chin as he panted between moans and whines , then Kieth sped up as he got close and lance went into over drive as Kieth knotted lance let out a shameless moan as his eyes rolled into his head as he clung to Keith his head buried into Kieths neck as lance came to and they both slumped against each other , after relaxing for a few minutes Kieth pulled out and laid down with lance in his arms lance nuzzles into kieth as he pulled the quilt over them both and kieth fell asleep exhausted. But lance was confused kieth hasn't said anything the entire time he shrugged it off whispering into Kieths ear "Te amo Kieth " before sleep took him.

Words: 1043
A/n : well here ya go hope u enjoyed it I'm not good at smut so I'm sorry but I hope u enjoyed it I think this is one of the longest chapters I've ever wrote and I'm very pleased with it I hope u enjoyed it I while try to update as much as possible but I have other stories on the go.

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