The Prince's parents ft. Everyone wants Lotor's booty~ (NSFW)

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Lance and Keith were awoken very early the next morning by the twins crying loudly. The life of being a parent was definitely a trying one. They changed the twins Diapers and then Keith went to the kitchen to get Lyra's baby food and Nico's bottle , as well as a drink for him and lance because they needed it. Nico didn't seem to want his bottle though. He kept staring at the baby food Lyra was eating. Eventually his hunger got the better of him so he drank his bottle but Keith and Lance had noticed his odd behaviour. It didn't stop there. Nico was chewing lance's shirt like his life depended on it. "I think he's teething." Lance said softly as he tried to dislodge his son from his shirt , but Nico just whined and smooshed his face back into the crook of lance's neck and started to chew again, until he accidentally bit lance's neck and not his shirt. Lance winced. "Ow- Nico that was my skin not my shirt-and that hurt. Only your Dad's allowed to do that." Nico whined and pouted. Keith was smirking a little from Lance's comment as he walked over to the cupboard they'd designated to the baby stuff. He opened one of the brand new teething toys and gave it to Nico. Nico's eyes sparkled and he grabbed it. He started nomming on it happily. Lance cooed at him. "Your so cute~ who's my cute lil baby boy~ you are~" he giggled kissing Nico's cheek. Keith watched fondly as he bounced Lyra on his knee. She giggled and clapped and then squished Keith's cheeks. Lance burst into a fit of uncontrollable giggles. Keith laughed along with him , lance's happiness was infectious. After lazing around for awhile they made their way to the kitchen so they could eat their breakfast now that their babies were fed and happy. The others were already there since Keith and lance had gotten up later than usual. Danni looked like he was dozing off on the table though. Matt was playing with his hair , Hunk was cooking so lance went to see if he wanted any help. Pidge was on her altean phone. Lotor was tinkering with some sort of device. Shiro was playing Pat a cake with Ash. Adam was reading a book. Allura and coran were talking with Prince Zaraphin. Ruma and Drexen were cuddling and talking among themselves. Lance smiled glad that everyone was doing fairly okay. Danni still looked quite sick but he seemed to be doing better. Lance finished helping Hunk cook breakfast and they all ate together. They were really becoming a giant space family. Keith started feeding lance making the omega giggle. The twins had dozed off in their arms. The others rolled their eyes fondly as the two flirted with each other. They were making 'goo-goo eyes' at each other as pidge called it. Keith was poking lance in the side making him giggle and squirm around. "Guess someone's ticklish~" he teased as he kissed lance's neck. Lance whined. "You know damn well I'm ticklish you cheeky bastard. Your so meannn." He pouted at Keith who smirked , tilted lance's chin up and kissed him sweetly. "Maybe~ but you love me." Lance rolled his eyes. "Yeah I do." Pidge made gagging noises at them. Something she enjoyed doing very much. "If you two are done , Whats our schedule for today?" She asked with a shit eating grin as lance eyeballed her. Lance pulled faces behind her back , making Keith choke on his coffee. Allura shook her head at their antics. "You humans are such funny creatures...I'm sure Earth is a very humours place. What is that thing the blue one is doing with his face?" Prince Zaraphin asked. Keith ruffled lance's Hair. "He's making faces to annoy pidge." He replied. Allura giggled. "Anyway to answer your question pidge. On today's agenda is some group training , it's been quite a while since you've trained as a group. The others are all welcome to watch of course." So everyone trooped to the training deck , some were a little more reluctance than others but they didn't have much choice. First they had to do the invisible maze. But this time Keith and lance guided each other through with no problems at all. It demonstrated clearly that their relationship had grown immensely and the levels of trust between them were unbreakable. Then pidge guided shiro , they had a fairly good level of trust so he got through it fairly easily. When they'd finished training they cleaned themselves up and rested in the lounge. However lance's stomach started hurting so he decided to go the bathroom. Keith watched him worriedly. Lance was still sick and wasn't getting better , Allura was still stumped as to what could be ailing the omega , so for now there was nothing they could do. When Lance Reached the bathroom however , it was already occupied by another very sick omega. Lance's motherly instincts kicked in and over-rode his own sickness. "Ruma...are you okay?" He asked softly as he kneeled down next to the galra boy. The omega was curled in a ball holding his stomach and whimpering as tears ran down his cheeks. He looked up at lance his pupiless yellow eyes filled with even more tears and he sobbed. "H-hurts..." lance wasn't sure he could get either of them to a bedroom , but he did his best. He helped Ruma up and the two slowly stumbled to lance's room. They curled under the quilt and held each other finding comfort in the presence of just having someone close even if it wasn't their alpha's. They both fell asleep. The room quickly filled with the overwhelmingly sweet scent of omega. Around an hour later there was the sound of hunk yelling for dinner. But two people didn't turn up. The two Omega's In question we're still passed out on lance's bed. "Heeeey? Lance. Don't you want space burgers!? Hunk called from the other side of the door. He and the others waited for a reply but none came. Drexen , who'd gone to his and Ruma's room to wake up his sleeping boyfriend , returned look confused and mildly panicked. "Ruma wasn't there..." the others frowned. "And lance isn't answering and his door is locked." Hunk mumbled. Keith knocked on the door loudly. "Lance baby? Are you okay?" He waited for an answer but was simply met with silence. He sighed putting his hand in the control pad to unlock the door and prayed that lance was decent for the others sake. They were surprised to see both lance and Ruma fast asleep holding on to each other. Keith and Drexen looked at each other and shrugged as pidge laughed. "Either your boyfriends are cheating on you with each other or they got really lonely." She said softly after she'd calmed down from giggling. "Judging by how strong their scents are , their both in heat , if they couldn't find their alpha's and happened to bump into each other then naturally they will have decided to take comfort in each other." Adam explained as Drexen and Keith moved towards the bed. Keith stroked lance's hair gently , while Drexen placed a kiss to Ruma's forehead , accidentally waking the omega who made grabby arms at him. Drexen disentangled Ruma From lance's arms and held him like a koala. Ruma looked at keith who was playing with a still sleeping lance's hair. "Kweef? Me thinks lance ish not vewy w-well." Ruma stuttered out , struggling to get his words right due to being in omega space. Keith smiled sadly. "I know buddy...we can't figure out what's going on with him though." Keith gently scooped lance into his arms. Lance whimpered opening his eyes a fraction , but he instantly felt a blinding headache so he squeezed his eyes shut again letting out another whimper as he buried his face into the crook of Keith's neck. "Alpha...head hurts..." he mumbled against Keith's shirt. Keith shushed him gently. "Shhh it'll be okay , we'll get you some pain killers in the kitchen alright?" He held lance closer to him as he carried him to the kitchen a sat down with him in his lap. Lance whined clinging tightly to him. "Shh it's alright I'm not going anywhere love." He whispered gently. He managed to coax lance into eating something. Although the omega only ate a quarter of his space burger and a handful of space fries. Hunk ended up finishing the rest. They all left the table after lance was given some of those red pills that they had taken for their hangovers ages ago , however as they passed by the main control deck they saw they were getting an incoming call. They filed into the room and Allura pressed the receive button. The heard a little sob when the two people appeared on the screen. Prince Zaraphin's parents. "Momma...Dad...?" The two parents smiled tearfully. "We missed you so much honey~" his mother , Queen Arlia said softly. King Ezthos smiled as he finished rubbing his tears away. "We can't wait to have you home." Zaraphin smiled. "I can't wait to be home. Where is Rhyar and Zeth?" He asked. " Rhyar is in his room reading as usual~ and Zeth is probably still pacing a hole into the carpet worrying about you." Queen Arlia giggled. Zaraphin smiled fondly. "Tell him I'm safe and say hi to Rhyar~ we'll be home soon , we're nearly at Zatuli." He wiped tears from his cheeks. Queen Arlia nodded. "Thank you for saving him , we will forever be in your debt. We will thrown a party to celebrate you." Allura thanked her and they all went to get ready for the ball. Lance was twirling around the bedroom giggling and day dreaming and being a princess much to Keith's amusement.  He smirked as he came up behind lance and swept up bridal style. "Well then princess~ allow me to sweep you off your feet~" He whispered into Lance's ear. Lance shuddered from the seductive  tone in Keith's voice. Keith laughed gently and kisses his neck. "We should probably get ready now or we won't be going to the ball." Lance kisses his jaw. "You shall go to the ball!" He yelled excitedly , quoting the Cinderella movie. Keith rolled his eyes fondly. "Dork~" he then pouted. A ball meant he had to wear a suit again. He wasn't a fan of fancy dress. Reluctantly he started to put on the tuxedo while lance got into the dress he wore last time. He twirled around happily giggling. Keith smiled feeling that it was worth suffering in a tuxedo for hours just to see Lance this happy. When everyone was finally ready they landed on Zatuli. Zeraphin was bouncing on his heels in anticipation. The others looked around in awe at the planet. It was very beautiful. Beaches with navy blue sands and golden seas , blue grass with neon flowers and luminescent trees with glowing fruit. Everything seemed to glow. Brightly painted houses and coloured paving created a vibrant looking town. The citizens were gathered in the town square along with the royal family. Many were crying in relief and joy at the sight of the young prince being alive. Zaraphin ran to his family , forgoing all royal etiquette. If his governess saw this she'd be hitting him with her cane but he didn't care. He hugged his mother and father tightly , snuggling into their warmth and letting his tears fall. Then he hugged his shy younger brother. The purple haired omega was quiet but it was clear he was happy to have his brother back. Then another Male came out from behind them. He wasn't from the same species. He had dark Turquoise-Green Horns and bright green eyes. His black hair fell into his eyes. He was extremely handsome , although he looked a little intimidating. However Zaraphin wasn't the least intimated by him. I'm fact he broke out into a watery smile and pretty much launched himself at the Alpha's chest. He clung to the other sniffling and babbling about how much he missed him. The alpha chuckled holding him close. "You're okay now~" Zaraphin smiled. "I know but I still missed you Zeth."

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