Mission: Match making with Matt

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*1 month later*

It had been a month since the two omegas had given birth , the pups were small but healthy and Adam and lance were nearly fully recovered now. Which meant lance was trying to catch up on his training. He was currently in the training room with the others. They didn't trust him to not over do it. Keith watched in amazement as lance shot down gladiators at amazing speed , getting head shots every time. Then the training level changed to the small balls that surround lance. The omega struggled to shoot them and the lasers started to hit his shield and his armour. He winced as they kept coming. Just as keith was about to tell Allura to stop the training sequence in favour of saving his mate , Lance's bayard started glowing and transformed into a sword. Lance smirked and slashed through the laser balls beating the simulation. Keith stared in shock and awe at what he'd just witnessed. His mate was a bad ass fighter and it was hot. Lance giggled and wiped sweat from his head. He opened his mouth to commence the next training sequence but was stopped by shiro who was deeply concerned for the omegas health. Lance's chest was heaving and he was swaying , shiro didn't think another , harder , training round would be a good idea , he really didn't want the boy to have another asthma attack. So using his power as leader to his advantage , he persuaded lance to take a longgg break. Lance collapsed onto the sofa after taking a nice warm shower and curled himself up. His feet and arms ached and he was drained. Keith smiled at him while he occupied the twins who had found they had the ability to crawl and were now scurrying across the floor like lion cubs. Lance laughed as he watched keith try to keep up with the tiny pups who seemed to be able to out crawl the alpha. Keith let out a puff of air as he finally scooped them up and took them back to the play mat. Nico seemed content in staying still now but Lyra was a different story. The second keith put her down she shot off like lightening. Keith groaned and chased after her , brought her back , placed her down , and she crawled off again...the cycle repeated itself five times before lance stepped in. Lance was losing brain cells just watching his lover attempt to keep their wayward daughter from escaping. So reluctantly , he left his comfy position on the sofa and got up , he picked Lyra up and bounced her lightly on his knee. She giggled clapping her hands and when he put her down she stayed put. Keith sighed. "Your such a great Mum...and I'm a crap father." Lance took his hand and rubbed his knuckles. "Your not a crap father at all. Your new to parenting and that's okay , I only have experience because of my nieces , nephews , cousins ect. If I didn't have that experience I'd be as confused as you are. I'm still learning too. We're learning together and it'll be a complicated process but if we're patient we'll be rewarded." Keith smiled at those words and kissed lance passionately. "This. Is why I love you , you always know what to say. Can you be my therapist?" He chuckled and kissed lance's nose , then both cheeks and then his lips again. Lance rolled his eyes fondly and nuzzled his jaw. "Thought I already was~" they both laughed before returning to the task of entertaining two restless babies.
Adam was leaning against Shiro's chest , breast feeding Ash. He whined slightly out of discomfort and Shiro tried to ease him , by petting his hair. Adam's arm started to drop and Shiro quickly wrapped his arm round Ash to support the baby. Adam had been having random bouts of exhaustion since the birth and they hadn't gone away yet. Shiro was incredibly worried about it , but Allura said it was normal and Keith had mentioned lance had been like that for awhile after giving birth. So shiro forced his anxiety to the back of his mind and focused on bonding with his mate and pup. Adam sighed in relief once Ash was full and set him down to play with Nico and Phoenix. Shiro growled playfully and nuzzled Adam. The omega squeaked and wriggled in his arms trying to escape. "Kashi stooooop." Shiro puffed out his cheeks and nuzzled him harder instead of stopping. "Nu , your mine." Adam shivered at the words and melted in Shiro's arms. The alpha smirked as he bit on Adams neck over his mate make. Adam let out a whimper. "A-Alpha..." the others sighed. "Oh bOy looks like someone is going into rut..." Keith mumbled. Adam gave him a "no shit" look as he settled himself against Shiro's chest to appease the alpha. He watched over Ash from him spot in Shiro's lap. At that moment Danni walked in and flopped onto the sofa tiredly. He looked drained and pale. Lance looked up at his older brother worriedly. "Dan Dan..? Are you okay?" Danni slowly raised his head upon hearing the nickname he'd been affectionately given when lance was 4. "I'm...meh...I'm not okay but I'm not , sad or hurt either...I'm just , tired?" He sighed resting his head in the crook of his arm. Lance's gaze softened and he got up and cuddled his big bro. Danni smiled softly at the gesture and rolled over to hug lance properly. Lance watched Danni doze off , a worried frown etched into his soft features. Matt was watching the two , biting his lip the entire time. He knew how rough it must be for Danni , he'd been a galra prisoner but Danni had it worse than he did , he wanted to help but he was scared his crush would be revealed. Yep , you heard right...Matt Holt has a crush on Danni. He sighed as he watched Danni sleep , hugging lance like his personal teddy bear, the two were an adorable pair of siblings , they had that "you can count on me" relationship. Pidge giggled nudging her brother. "Your blushing and staring at a particular alpha~" lance chuckled over hearing this. "So you have a crush on my older brother eh~" Matt blushed. "N-no..I..um..." the others laughed as Matt stuttered to try and deny his crush. Danni hummed in his sleep hugging lance tighter. An idea popped into lance's head. "Operation match made in heaven is a go~" matt tilted his head in confusion. "Say what now?" Lance groaned in frustration. "I am going to get you and my brother together. He has a crush on you , you have a crush on him , it's perfect!" Matt was sceptical but lance was as stubborn as keith sometimes and when it came to love and romance , despite his failed flirting attempts he was actually pretty good at love. So Shiro was told to keep Matt away from the place they were using for this. Everyone was going to pitch in and help , mostly because they didn't want lance overworking himself. Coran and Allura kept an eye on the pups and a sleeping Danni. Lance and Adam made decorations , Hunk was cooking , Pidge and Keith were creating a speaker system and deciding what songs to play. Then keith swapped over with shiro so they'd have someone tall to put the decorations up. Hunk set the food on the table that had been set up by lance and Adam. The mint green table cloth had blue and black stars on it. A bouquet of mint green and blue roses in a crystal vase was placed In the middle of the table. Blue tinted fairy lights were strewn round the room , intertwined intricately with the furniture. Romantic music played form the hidden speakers. The enticing smell from the food mingled with the rose scented candles. Now all that was left was to bring the two males in question together. Shiro went to rescue keith from social activity while lance got Danni. Shiro and keith marched in with a blindfolded Matt and sat him down. Lance guided his blindfolded brother in and sat him down. They removed the blind folds and were met with shocked gasps. " what...what is this?"danni blinked.
Lance smiled. "Glad you asked big brother~ this , is a date that we planned , for you and a very special omega~" he gestured to a blushing Matt who had adverted his eyes. Danni mouthed a thank you to lance before they all left. Danni smiler at Matt now they were alone and gently took his hand. "Don't be shy." Matt looked up blushing. "I feel the same way Matt , I really like you." Matt wiped a tear from his cheek and Danni thought it was so cute. He looked around the room taking in the beautiful decorations. It had been set up in the astronomy area. They had a beautiful view of space as their backdrop as they passed beautiful galaxies that swirled with colour. It was utterly breathtaking. At the main viewing window there was a massive ledge that had been laden with blankets and pillows to create a nest. After the two finished the food they cuddled up in the nest watching The stars. Matt hummed happily as he snuggled against Danni's chest. "Matt? Will you be my boyfriend?" Danni whispered softly into his ear. Matt shuddered and nodded tilting his head up to look at Danni who looked down at him smiling. He leaned in and captured Matts lips in a small soft kiss. Matt giggled nuzzling his jaw and the two watched the stars until they fell asleep. Danni's arms wrapped protectively around matts waist , and matt laying on his chest. He watched the alpha sleep for a few minutes before dozing off himself. Today in a long while would be the first day the alpha has gotten a good sleep without nightmares.....
*with keith and lance*
Lance was cuddling up to Keith's chest in their room. The pups were sleeping now after tiring themselves out so the two mates could finally have some quality time together. Keith brushed his thumb over lance's thigh causing a small whine to escape the omegas lips. Keith smirked and bit down on Lance's collarbone. Lance whined and wriggled. "Ah-keith..."
He panted softly. The alpha was doing things to him that made his head spin and his heart pound against his ribs. Keith knew exactly what he was doing to the poor omega and enjoyed the sinfully sweet torture he was inflicting on lance. He sucked and bit all of the youngers sensitive spots before pushing him down on the bed and kissing him heatedly. Lance moaned weakly into the kiss. They couldn't go any further with the pups in the room so they'd have to save this for another day when they were alone. Keith pulled away form lance and took a lungful of air. A string of saliva connected them and Keith's purple eyes flowed vividly , a clear sign he was in rut , or at least in alpha headspace. "So you and shiro are in rut? Why are alphas always hornyyy" he pouted. Keith smirked wrapping an arm around him to cuddle him.
"I'm gonna wreck ya ass tomorrow baby~" lance blushed brightly and smacked his arm. Keith laughed his eyes crinkling
It was so easy to fluster lance , the great loverboy lance , was easily flustered by his emo mullet boyfriend. Things were getting better for everyone now. Kyle was imprisoned and the rebels would pick him when they had the chance. Lance and Keith has two beautiful pups , and Adam and shiro had repaired their relationship and had a pup of their own. Matt and Danni has gotten together. Everything was going amazing. But nothing is ever as it seems and their happiness would be short lived. The galra are still an ever present threat and something sinister lurks in the shadows.....
Words: 2009
A/n: I tried to give yall a longer chapter this time , I hope you enjoyed this chapter , it was mostly fluff with some ominous angst at the end. What is this sinister threat? What are the galra planning? Who knows~ you'll just have to wait and see. Do you guys think Danni and matt will be a cute couple?
If you like omegaverse stories check out my own story called: the worlds not perfect , totally not self promoting 😂 well goodbye my beautiful kittens 🐱❤️💙🖤💜💚💖💛🧡

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