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" speech"
' thoughts'
" thinking out loud"

Lance groaned as his eyes fluttered open weakly his head was pounding and his whole body was really sore he lifted his head from the comfy pillow only to realise it wasn't a pillow...it was Kieths chest. Slowly everything came flooding back making his hangover worse. He had talked with Kieth , kissed Kieth and had sex with Kieth....what if he had gotten pregnant .... in space of all places...how was he meant to raise a child in the middle of an alien war.
Not to mention the fact that if he was pregnant then it was Kieths child...Quiznack he's dead
Really truly dead. He slowly crawls out of bed ignoring the pain and slipped on his discarded clothes. Then he stopped his omega senses screaming at him to go back to the alpha.
But he couldn't he knew that but maybe he could take something of the alphas to keep close....he walked over to the wardrobe...he couldn't take Kieths jacket because the male would definitely notice that so he grabbed a black long sleeve sweatshirt before quietly closing the door. He inhaled the alphas scent and instantly felt calmer. Lance took one last look at the Texan-korean before exiting still ignoring the pain.

Lance sighed having made it back to his room he cuddled Kieths sweatshirt. He was curled on the bed with his face buried into Kieths sweatshirt inhaling the older males smell...cinnamon and apples....it was amazing. Everyone had their own distinct scent. Hunk smelled like pumpkin spice , pidge smelled like cookies and milk , shiro smelt like mint and dark chocolate , Allura smelled like honey and water lilies and coran smelled like oranges and warm treacle. He wasn't sure what his own scent was like...he never really paid attention all he knew is that it was meant to be really sweet because he was an omega. Not that he would be able to smell his scent because of the suppressants he was on and he used soap that blocked your natural scent.
Which brought up his next problem what if he was pregnant? He couldn't risk using suppressants it would kill the baby.

Lance's PoV:

' I don't know what to do ... I can't have a baby in the middle of a alien war.' 'What if take the suppressants they'll kill the baby...NO I'm not going to abort it...if I am pregnant I'll keep it...I'll just say it was one of the aliens from yesterday.' ' but then they'll know I'm an omega...they can't know!' ' I don't know what to do.'
I sigh and get up. It's no use sitting here going what if...I have to know for sure.....I found pregnancy tests in the draw when we first got here and they look just like they do on earth....so should be easy enough....right?
I get up and walk over to my bathroom...thank god they are all en suite so we all have our own bathroom. I grab one of the pregnancy tests out of the draw and figure out how to use it pretty easily...it's just the same as earth really....well here goes nothing I guess.....

No ones POV:

Lance gasps and drops the test in surprise....positive...he was pregnant....with Kieths pup....! What the hell was he meant to do!
He couldn't tell anyone least of all Kieth...but he couldn't have an abortion...it was cruel and heartless he wasn't like that. It's not like he didn't want pups...and it's not like he didn't want KIETHS pups...he'd be lying if he said he wasn't madly in love ith the alpha. But in lances mind Kieth doesn't love him back , he's to afraid of being rejected by the alpha to confess his feelings.
His fears are justified if he gets rejected it will be painful and possibly fatal. Tears cascade down his cheeks like a waterfall as he stares at the pregnancy test lying on the floor...the positive reading all to clear. "I'm pregnant" he whispered to himself.
He heard a knock on his door. "Lance buddy u awake breakfast is ready and we got altean aspirin for ur hangover" hunks groggy voice sounded through the room. "Y-yeah I'll be out in a minute buddy." He heard hunk footsteps depart and he breathed out a sigh. He place his hands on his flat stomach...it would be awhile before he started showing so he had time to make a plan or something oh god this was going to be tough what about training?

Lance stepped out the room and dragged himself out of his room and down to the kitchen his body felt like lead and his head felt like it was trapped in a vice it was not fun what so ever. When he entered the kitchen hunk was gobbling food like the earth was ending , pidge was falling asleep on the table , shiro looked like he was having a migraine , Allura and coran were chatting happily as they were the only ones not feeling side effects of being drunk....and Kieth was yet to make an appearance. " anyone know we're kieth is?" Shiro asked. Everyone just groaned in response. Lance didn't say anything it would be suspicious if he did. "I'm here shirooo do we have aspirin my heads fucking killing meee and so is the rest of my body weirdly." Pidge snickered "u have some fun with an alien girl u do have a hickey on ur neck" kieth looked confused "I don't think so I can't remember much tho all I remember is this asshole annoying me." Kieth points at lance and lance feels hurt at being called an asshole "pidge is half right but it's not a girl Kieth fucked...and does he have to call me an asshole?"
Lance quickly snaps himself out of his thoughts and looks at the others , kieth looks like he wants to pass out...Allura gently hands him and Kieth some little red pills that look like paracetamol. "These are altean painkillers they work for a variety of things including hangovers." She spoke softly so it didn't hurt thier head. "Thanks Allura." Lance smiled softly Kieth had already taken his he mumbled a small thanks before putting his head on the table and looking like he wanted to die.
Lance carefully took the painkillers and tried not to show off his neck that he knew was covered in hickeys.
His back and hips were killing him...he had to admit Kieth was hella big...definitely the biggest he'd taken and he'd had his fair share of hook ups in the garrison. His neck was very tender as well after all those love bites. Allura announced that in a few hours after thier hangovers had settled they would be training. This announcement received a chorus of groans. Lance was not looking forward to it...all he could think about was his baby...he hoped it would be alright.

Words: 1178
A/n ooof so second chapter is here sorry for the wait but the holidays are almost over so I'm pretty busy I will try to update this and other books as much as possible I hope u enjoyed it they will be more smut fluff and angst to come and a hell of a lot of KLaNCe so stick around my kittens! Adiós 사랑 (ignore me being a show off) (adiós=Spanish for goodbye) (사랑= I love u in Korean ) (not sure how accurate it is tho )

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