Photos and memories

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This is young Danni and his friends

The next morning the two slumbering mates were awoken by the sound of giggling and of pictures being taken

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The next morning the two slumbering mates were awoken by the sound of giggling and of pictures being taken. Keith groaned raising his head and blinking groggily at the culprits. Which was pidge and everyone. "Pidge it's good early for this you gremlin. Stop taking pictures..." he pouted burying his face back into lance's shoulder blade. Lance whined softly snuggling into Keith's chest and the blanket suddenly feeling very cold. Keith couldn't even grab his shirt to put it on lance because if he moved they'd see things they shouldn't see. "Okay scram before you get an eye full." He laughed. Pidge pretended to be sick and ran out of the room laughing her head off as the others kindly exited. Keith got up and put on some sweatpants , not bothering with a shirt. His shirt from lance night went straight to lance , the omega huddle into it relishing in the scent of his alpha. Keith helped lance out on some boxers and baby blue pj shorts with cute penguins on. Lance said he had a sore stomach and didn't want to wear something that would press on his stomach , like jeans. Keith picked him up and carried him to the lounge where the others were. They decided to eat breakfast in the lounge. The twins woke up on instinct like they could sense their parents arrival. They both started crying and Keith scooped them up , placing Nico in lance's lap while he held Lyra. Lyra stopped crying instantly and reached up playing with the ends of Keith's hair. Nico snuggled against lance's tummy , almost as if he knew lance wasn't feeling well and was trying to comfort him. Lance found it actually helped a little. He could feel Nico's warmth and it was like having a cute hot water bottle you could cuddle and talk to. Nico made babbling noises of content. Hunk came in with Matt who was helping him carry everything. Their was pancakes , purple space bacon , chopped up fruit , honey , yogurt , scrambled egg , baked beans , sausage , fried bread , some sort of smoked fish that looked like kippers. A pot of baby food for Lyra who was now completely on eating baby food. Two baby bottles of milk for Nico and Ash. A pitcher of fruit smoothie and things for tea or coffee if people wanted it. Lance ate chopped up fruit and yogurt and sipped at a glass of smoothie. Keith raised an eyebrow at his breakfast choice as he fed Lyra spoonfuls of her apple and plum flavour baby food. "That's the most healthy breakfast I've ever seen anyone better not be dieting again baby. You don't need to." He titled lance's head up and kissed him sweetly. "I'm not dieting...I just like being healthy." Keith didn't completely buy it but he let the situation slide for now. He rubbed lances back , but it made him even more suspicious. He could feel the ridges of every vertebrae of lances spine. "Baby your really underweight..." he gave lance a pleading look. Lance sighed putting his bowl down and leaning his head on Keith's shoulder. "I swear I'm not dieting. I just seem to be losing weight instead of gaining it. I don't know why it's happening but I'm eating properly I promise Keefy..." Keith stared into Lance's eyes , he could tell the omega wasn't lying , sincerity and pure confusion shined through Lance's ocean eyes. The Cuban didn't know why it was happening to him and nor did Keith. Keith kissed his temple. "I'm sorry for doubting you , I just worry about you." Lance smiled sweetly showing he wasn't mad. He pressed little butterfly kisses all over Keith's face tickling the alpha making him chuckle. Lyra whined alerting Keith she wanted more food. Nico was still curled against lance , suckling on his bottle sleepily. His beautiful ocean eyes that mirrored Lance's kept fluttering open and closed. Ash had already finished his bottle and was now being burped by Adam. Pidge deciding to lighten the tense atmosphere announced her newest technological breakthrough. "So your amazing resident genius over here , has managed to find a way to link our altean phones to our old ones so we can have all our photos etc. I'm not sure in contacts will work but it definitely works with photos , games and apps!" She skunked brightly. "That's great!" Lance smiled happily. "Do you volunteer as tribute~" Lance rolled his eyes at the hunger games reference and handed Pidge his altean phone and his earth phone. Keith couldn't help but smile fondly as the electric blue phone with its baby blue dolphin case and blue jewel pop socket. Just lance's style In general made Keith smile like a typical idiot in love.

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