Meeting Dan

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You walked through the shops, your beanie loosely resting over your hair.
As you took the shopping carts back to the shops you found yourself thinking about what it would be like to finally finish school and move out of this dump.

You got so sidetracked that you weren't paying attention to where the shopping carts were going.
You heard the crash as the front carts bashed into the wall and you fell onto your butt.

"Great job (y/n). Nailed it." You said to you self annoyed starting to pull yourself up.
"Personally I though you did a great job." You turned around, still on the floor, to see a tall attractive guy with soft brown hair that matched his eyes standing there his hand outstretched.
You smiled and hoped to god you weren't blushing.

"Uh, thanks."
"I'm Dan." The boy said.
"(Y/n)" you replied taking his hand.
He helped you up off the floor.
"So do you want some help?"
"These are my last few. It's alright I'll be fine."
"I'll just walk with you then." He replied, smiling.
"What a gentleman." You said sarcastically.

"So are you doing anything after this?" Dan asked you as you actually tried to control the shopping carts.
"Nope. Was just gonna go home to tumblr."
Dan laughed slightly.
"Well I wouldn't want to deprive you of your tumblr time but do you want to go for a coffee or something?"

You laughed.
"How dare you even suggest taking my tumblr time."
Dan put his hands up innocently making you laugh even more.
"Sure I'd love to." You smiled feeling you crush for Dan growing.
"Perfect." Said Dan putting your beanie you hadn't even realized you'd dropped messily over your head smiling.
Maybe staying in this small town wouldn't be so bad after all.



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