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You slowly rolled over, groaning and reaching for your phone.
You blinked and squinted as you checked the time on your phone.
8:32, ugh so early!

You rolled over again and felt yourself knock into someone.
"Good morning." Phil said.
"What the he-" you started
Oh right, you thought, it's my birthday!

"Time to get up. We have plans remember?"
"Yeah I remember." You reply, pulling yourself up.
"I'll be waiting for you in the lounge as usual, on my laptop."
"I'll get ready quick." Phil kissed you on the cheek and left.

I wonder why Phil didn't wish me a Happy birthday? You thought as you got ready to go out. Hm.

"Ready!" You called walking into the lounge and finding Phil browsing though his laptop as he said he would be.

"Great!" He replied setting his laptop down. "Let's go get some food!"

You took Phil's hand and walked to the not formal yet not not formal (A/N: I'm so good at description aren't I!) restaurant.
"So who's here? You barely told me anything part from that we were going out for a while." You asked, curious.
"Just us." Phil replied smiling and sitting down at a table.

You sat down across from him a smiled. Suddenly, the entire world around you stopped and it was really awkward, neither you or Phil talking.

"How can I help you?" Thank god. You thought as the waiter pierced the silence.
You and Phil ordered your food.

"So," you said, attempting conversation which shouldn't be hard to your boyfriend of almost a year. "I though maybe we were meeting other people here?"
"Nope. Just us." Said Phil, short, sharp and then looking away.

You stared at him for a second and recognised what he was doing. He was hiding something. He's usually chatty, bubbly but today he's so enclosed.

Is he going to break up with me on my birthday!!!! You suddenly panicked. Does he even know it's my birthday!!
Unless he's planning a surprise party?
Wait, that's not possible. You've been with Phil constantly of the last few days and he hasn't showed any signs of sneaking around. He's not great at keeping secrets....

"(Y/N)???" You heard.
"Hmmm... Yeah sorry what?" You replied. So lost in your thoughts you didn't hear Phil talking to you.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yeah... Yeah I was just... Thinking." You replied.

Lunch was really awkward. Full of pauses in the conversations and constant aversion in the eye contact.

Walking back to then apartment you considered asking Phil if he remembered what today was.
When we get inside I'll talk to him. You concluded.

"Here let me get that." Phil said opening the door for you.
"Wait." you peered into the apartment. "Where's the light switch? It's completely dark."
"Just too the left." Phil replied as you reached in and searched along the wall.

You flicked on the light switch and "SURPRISE!!!!!!!" Shouted at least 15 people.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!" You turned to Phil as he wished you a happy birthday.
You smiled as wide as you could. "And here I was thinking you had forgotten."
Now it was his turn to smile. "My acting skills have improved."

"Actually, said a voice coming closer. "I planned it because Phil can't keep secrets. "
You hugged Dan straight away. "Thank you!"
"No problem! One of my best friends ever deserves the best parties ever!" He hugged you tightly back.

"Hey," Phil complained. "Where's my hug?"
"I have something better for you." You smirked walking over and kissing Phil passionately on the lips. You felt the sparks race all the ways to your toes as his soft lips kissed you back.
"This is a great birthday." You commented.
"And only the start of a great party." Phil said, nodding to the room full of friends.


Mmmmmmmmmmm don't know about this one.


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