Merry Christmas Dan

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"Dan?" You ask shaking Dan softly. "Daaaan?" You repeat still not waking him up.
"DAN!" You scream shaking him with all your might.

He groans and rolls over.
"Come on Dan! Don't you know what day it is?" You complain.
"Don't you know what time it is?" He replies into the pillow.
"BUT IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" You argue.

Dan slowly gets up and smiles at you.
"Meet you at the tree in 5." You say running out the door.

5 minutes later Dan walked over to the Christmas tree looking a bit more awake than before, although his hair was still a mess.

"Nice hair Blibo." You smirk.
"Shut up." Dan replies, smiling. "Open your goddamn presents."

Under the Christmas Tree were 5 presents for you and 5 for Dan.

(A/N: You can make up whatever you want to be in the presents because obviously I can't make this part the same for everyone.)

After you finished with the presents under the tree you took Dan's hand.

"There's one more present I have for you." You smiled cheekily, biting your lip.
"Well I just so happen to have another for you!" Dan replied, giving you his famous, breathtaking side smile.

You and Dan decided to meet in the bedroom once you had got the presents from their hiding places.

You ran to the kitchen and moved the plates so you could reach the hidden present at the back before you raced back into the bedroom.

Seconds later Dan casually came strolling in.
Dan winked as he sat facing you.
"On 3." He said.
You nodded.
You both quickly switched presents.

Even though you were supposed to open them at the same time you waited calmly for Dans reaction to your gift.

"HOLY JESUS CHRIST!" Dan screamed as he turned the Pokèmon Ruby™ over in his hands.
"THANK YOU SO MUCH (Y/N)!!" Dan hugged you and tried to kiss you but you pushed him away.

"I'll kiss you when I open mine so it can be twice as good." You smirked.
"I'm surprised you think my gift will be that good." Dan remarked.
"If you don't think it is you can kiss me right now." You replied, pulling Dan's bluff.
Dan didn't move a muscle and you smirked again.
"That's what I thought."

You slowly unwrapped your rectangular gift. The wrapping covered a rectangular box. You slowly opened the box to find inside a necklace with the letter 'D' on it and a small ruby in the top left-hand corner.

"Dan." You said, at a loss of words. "You got me a beautiful necklace and at the same time you made a High School Musical reference. Are you God?"
"I guess you could say that."

Cautiously you take the necklace out of the box.
"D as in Dan?" You say remembering the line from HSM.
"Well..." Dan answers playing along. "Yeah."

You hand Dan the necklace and move you hair out if the way so that he can clip the necklace around your neck.

Once Dan clips the necklace you turn back to face him and fiddle with the necklace.

"You look Gorgeous." Dan comments.
"Well thanks to your necklace-" you start before Dan cuts you off.
"No just in general." He smiles.

You lean in closer to him and place your forehead against his. you get lost in his chocolate brown eyes and place your hand on his neck, running your fingers through his hair.

Dan cups your cheek in his hand and whispers.
"Merry Christmas (Y/N)."
As a reply you closed the gap between your lips and Dan's lips.

His lips felt soft and warm as you gently pressed yours to then and ran you hand through his hair. Your eyes were closed but you could see the sparks between the two of you.

Too soon you pulled your lips away.

Again you looked into Dans handsome brown eyes and watched as a smile played across his face.

"Merry Christmas Dan."

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