New Years Eve

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This is only going to be a short one sorry :/


"(Y/N)!!!" Dan called out over the music and chit chat.
"DAN!!!" You shouted back.

Awkwardly pushing through groups of people while apologising, Dan eventually arrived by your side.

"Phil told me to tell you that he'll be waiting for you up on the roof."
You give Dan a questioning look.

"I know that sounds weird, trust me, I know. Just don't let it play out lie Romeo and Juliette, ok?"
You hit Dan on the shoulder, playfully.
"Sure thing Father."

Walking up the steps until you got to the roof, music fading as you climbed higher and higher, you saw Phil standing over by the edge of the roof looking at the view.

"Phil?" You called, walking over.
"Hey (Y/N) you got my message then?"
"If you mean the one out of a scene Shakespeare wrote, yeah I got it." You smiled.
Phil smiled with you.
Then he grabbed your hand and pulled you over to look at the view.

You both silently looked at all the stunning lights and listened intently for the soft music. Resting your head on Phil's shoulder you shuffled closer to him.
You felt him look down at you and kiss you gently on the forehead.

"(Y/N) do you know what time it is?"
"No..." You replied curiousness taking over. "Why?"

"It's almost the new year. 1 minute away actually."
"And you've got the best view in the house for fireworks."
"That's very true."

You and Phil waited intently for the fireworks.
Eventually they came and you Phil watched as the colours streamed through the air.

"Happy New Year (Y/N)." Phil said looking away from the colours at you.
"Happy New Year Phil Lester." You smiled and looked over at him.

Slowly you leaned into towards Phil. He took you into his arms and you put your hands around nod neck and in his hair.

His lips were soft and warm. It was a gentle kiss that sent sparks all the way to your toes. The fireworks were still going off in the background, but you didn't care about that."

"Yep got it!" You heard a voice say.
Much to your disappointment, you and Phil turned to Dan.
"Got what?" Phil asked.
"The photo, of you and (Y/N), with a firework in the background."

You walked over to look at the photo.
"That is the most amazing photo I've ever seen." You commented.

"Then let's relive it." Phil replied, taking you into his arms again.

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