All it took was one bullet, in 10 seconds, to make everyone's life, become miserable, and one person, to make everyone hate him.
Where Niall gets shot, and dies right on spot, and no ones coping. ————————————
"Hows it going Milano" the crowd cheers, and Niall smiles.
"Well I'm doing good, if I'm being honest" Harry said into the mic, as everyone laughed.
"He didn't ask you Harry, he asked the fans" Louis said, and Harry glared at him, making Louis stick his tongue out at him.
"Stop fighting you two, and let's start off with Happily!!" Liam cheers, and the music starts
I don't care what people say when we're together You know I want to be the one Who holds you when you sleep I just want it to be you and I forever I know you wanna leave So come on baby be with me so happily
The song ended, and they all cheered themselves.
"Okay, so today, we all got haircuts" Zayn said, going downstage. "And we all got new tattoos, except Niall, because Niall needs to be the clean little baby he is"
"I'm older that Harry, why are you calling me the baby"
"Because you just are, deal with it"
"I just want to say thank you, to all those who've supported us through the years, I want to say thank you to our musicians, our management, and you guys, the fans. You guys have supported us through the years, and because of you, we are here today. I'd like to say a big thank you though, to my brothers, right here" Niall pointed to the boys, as they smiled. "Louis, you are the oldest, but have the mentality of a 5 year old, and I love that, because you make everything much better. Zayn, you are very quiet, and mysterious, but he loves us very much, and he loves you guys the most."Liam, you are very mature, for your age, you are the daddy of our group, and do not think wrong" everyone laughs, and he sighed. "Moving onto Harry, and this is gonna make me sad. Harry is called a womanizer. People look at Harry, like a terrible person, and they cut out the full picture, and they cut out the picture, that people will like to see, but you know what, Harry's done Charity, he's been to the hospital, without request, and just done a lot of things people haven't seen. They picture Harry, as a bad guy, and I want to ask all of you guys"
"Who was there to make you smile"
"Who was there, to defend you"
"Who was there, when no one else was. Stranger, or family and friends"
"That is correct, and who was there, to make the internet crash. One Direction" everyone laughed.
"Let's Give Niall a hug, isn't he just the sweetest boy ever" they hugged Niall, and smiled.
"Twitter questions!!"
As this goes on, a man is going through the crowd, trying to get to the front, and everything goes in slow motion.
"Who are your favorite member, and why"
"Niall, because he has the cutest baby face"
"Niall, because he's good at listening, and talking to, and understanding your problems."
The man is stumbling through the crowd, and fans see the gun, and start screaming.
"I think we all love Niall" Niall smiles, as they hug
just as the gun shot is heard, the man was taken away quickly, but Niall falls down, and the boys scream, and start crying.
"Niall, Niall!!" Niall lays limp, and an ambulance come in, 30 minutes later.
"Please, please!" Louis cried, and they looked at the young boy, and sighed, quite sad.
"We can't do anything kid"
"Niall!!" Louis fell onto his knees, and brought Niall into his arms, not caring about the blood, that'd cover his shirt.
"I love you buddy, and I want you to promise me, that when you go up to heaven, that you come back down, and visit us. I-I'm Sorry" Louis cried into Niall's shoulder, and the boys went down and hugged Niall.
They watched as Niall was packed up, and put on a stretcher, and then leaving.
"I promise"
{5 years}
5 years have past, and everyone broken.
Directioners have been depressed, celebs don't know what to do, after that concert, Niall family is broken, Niall's friends are going through things, that some don't understand, but the boys...their gone.
Their not dead, hurt, but their mentally and emotionally gone, and all their tears, that they've cried, are now gone, with their souls.
"Hey Ni, it's been 5 years without you, and...the whole world is missing you. I don't know what to do with my life either, because it's hard. You were always there for me, telling me that I could do whatever, and that I can defeat this world, but now that your gone, my courage, and confidence, have gone down the drain. My life is broken, and I want you to know though, that you'll always be in my heart, and I want you to know, that you've helped me through life, more than my parents have. The days I was sad, you'd just sit on my bed, and tell me about your life, and you'd make me so happy, and I don't know how you did it. You always put us first, and I just want to say...thank you" Zayn sighed, setting the picture down, just as he heard a car door shut, leaves crunching, and someone sighing.
Zayn looked behind him, where the car door shut, it was Louis. He looked at where the leaves were crunching, it was Harry. He looked at where the sighing was coming from, and it was Liam.
"Boys" he whispered, as the asked over.
They set their stuff down, and hugged each other, before looking down at Niall grave.
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1993-2014 In memory of Niall James Horan. A loved brother, friend, son, and bandmate. May he Rest In Peace, and have the best life, in heaven.