This is a request from LARRYSTYLINSONRULES3 and thank you for this, I love you for your kindness and for supporting me in this book, thank you.
Niall walked into the house quietly, closing the door and closing his eyes as he heard a creek that he made, but no other sound was made, making him turn around and tip toe up to his room, taking off his clothes and putting them in the dirty basket, before getting into bed, closing his eyes and sleeping.
Meanwhile, the boys were downstairs, Harry flipping on the light and glaring at the stairs, before looking at the boys.
"He's cheating on us" he said, assuming the worst and Liam sighed, not wanting to agree, but he looks at the boys and nods.
"He's been going out since the start of October. Our anniversary is coming up in 3 days, November 25. He's forgotten about us and has been coming back home leaving a trace of perfume and having his hair all messed up and going in different directions. Now you can't say he's not cheating" Louis crosses his arms and sat down.
"Who thought that he would cheat on us. All we've ever been is loyal and down right kind to him and he repays us like this."
"Whatever, I'm going to bed"
"Okay, this is the last stop, correct" Eleanor said, writing it down on her notepad, setting it down and smiling at Niall. "Their gonna love this as much as I'm loving it, planning everything."
"I hope so. I think I spent more than I expected to on this though, but love is love and I will do anything for them." Niall shrugged and saw it was only 8pm. "Imma go home now, love you El" he hugged her and kissed her cheek, before they split ways.
When Niall got back home, he saw the boys standing there, face of rage on all of their faces, making Niall furrow his eyebrows and walk over to them.
"Guys what's-"
"How could you do this Niall." Liam said in disbelief, making him confused even more, right as Harry pulled out his phone and showed him the article.
Niall and his 'best friend' Eleanor, hang out by the tunnel of the love, tonight under the stars.
"Guys, it's not what it looks like"
"Then what is it!!" Louis yelled, walking to Niall, who backs up. "Why would you be at the tunnel of love with Eleanor. Why are you always coming home late with messy hair and smelling like perfume. Niall this is the last straw" Zayn steps in and looks at Niall.
"I'm sorry Niall, but just get out and never come back. We can't love someone who cheats" tears swarm Niall's eyes and Zayn says the last thing, that breaks Niall. "We don't love you anymore" Niall grabbed the handle of the door, racing outside and running as fast as he could, crying all the way to the place where people have fun, drink away their sorrows and problems, and take stress off their backs.
"Can I just get something strong" he whispered to the bartender, who nods and gets to work with the drink.
The guy from across the bar looks over and stands up, walking over to Niall, sitting right next to him, making Niall turn to look at him.
"Well, how are you?"
"How do I look" Niall rolled his eyes and takes his drink, but the guy takes it away and looks at Niall.
"You shouldn't be drinking at a state like this" Niall rolled his eyes and put his head on the table, making the man set the drink down and put a pill in his drink.
"Just give me my damn drink" Niall raises his head and grabs his drink, gulping it down, while the man smirks, crossing his arms.
"Would you like to dance" Niall sighs and nods, going with him and wrapping his arms around his neck and laying his head down.
After a few minutes, his eyes were closing and he wanted to sleep, but all he did was put his head back with his eyes closed, making the guy smirk and pick him up.
"Time for bed sweet heart" then everything went black and that was all he saw.
It was the morning and Niall still hasn't come home, making the boys worried, even if they were mad at him, they still worried about his where abouts, so they got into the car and drove to the only person they knew who could help.
"Hell- WHAT THE HELL!!" Eleanor yelled and glared at them. "How dare you guys do this to him, you guys do love assuming things. Everything that's been happening, was for you guys, for your anniversary and this is how you pay him!!" She shook her head and looked at them in disbelief.
"Well it's his fault he made it look like he's cheated"
"Why are you guys here" she sighed, not wanting to argue anymore, frowning and clenching her hands.
"We thought Niall would be here" Liam said and Eleanor furrowed her eyes brows, shaking her head.
"He called last night, saying he was going to the bar. He didn't come home at all" they shake their heads and Eleanor takes her phone out, quickly dialing his phone number.
"Hello, Niall" Eleanor is silent for a while and then she drops her phone and looks at the boys, shaking.
"Eleanor, what's wrong"
"He's- he was kidnapped. The bartender has his phone, they saw a man carrying a passed out Niall and he thought it was his friend, so he let it be."
They all stood there in silence, Zayn making the first move and running down to the car and buckling up, as the other ran over and got in as well, driving to the bar
"Let me go!!" Niall cried and something was put in his mouth, making everything he said muffled.
"Come on, it's not like you don't love me" Niall kicked him in the balls and the guy glared at him, clenching his hands, before throwing punches, until black and blue is all over his body. "Don't try me" he walked out and slammed the door, as Niall cried silently.
"Save me boys"
_________________________________Welcome me back. I decided to take a break, because of my winter break and from today, I'll try posting as soon as possible if all the ideas pop in my mind.
Thank you and your kind souls for being patient and staying with me, you guys are the best and I love you all. I hope y'all don't leave and I hope that the ones that got tired of this book, see this in number one
- Jae💘🤩

One-shots {[Niall Centric]}
FanfictionThese are just a bunch of Niall Centric one-shots, hope you like it. I also hope my spelling and grammar isn't bad