So as you guys know, 8 years of One Direction is today and i'm crying. I've spent some time watching Memes, funny moments, interviews, behind the scenes, edits, and concerts. I've also cried that One Direction twitter is active and is tweeting, This story is dedicated to 8 years of an amazing time of One Direction. lets get into this.
Also, this edits up here has also brought me to tears. I can't believe its 8 Years.
This one is good as well, it gets me at the end though, when the talk around the camp fire and ask if they'll still be mates (sorry)
As they all watch as the fans, show up to the AMA's, hoping they at least get a glimpse of at least one person of One Direction, but what they don't know, is a sweet surprise. All these people though, are fans of the on break boy band, One Direction.
"are you ready?" Liam asked
"I don't know, i'm quite nervous" Niall says and sighs "But we got this. I know we do" and just with Niall's smile, the boys all have courage.
"lets watch before this happens" they all walk into the main room and look at the TV, that shows million of boys and girls, that came for them.
"so tell me, how does it feel as a directioner, to keep up with your emotions, as they are on hiatus" the girl asks the group of friends, before a blonde speaks.
"well, if you've been their since 2010 and on, you guys know that, if you hear a 1D song your gonna freak, if you see 1D merch, then your gonna buy it and look at it for days, and if you watch edits, your just gonna cry, on why they haven't come back. We all know you've cried, because if you haven't, then you haven't been their since the end. A lot of us 'directioners' have also moved on to BTS and it's quite sad to know, you've broke the boys promise"
The boys all smile at Niall and just think of that girl, being Niall.
"She's right. We're not throwing any shade at BTS, but BTS is not gonna become legends like One Direction. Also i'm just saying, DIrectioners rule twitter" Everyone laughs and she kept talking "If i'm being honest, us fan girls and fanboys that still stan One Direction, are trying so hard to not let go. It sounds dramatic, but these boys save us. They've saved many people of suicide and stuff, they've saved me from cutting"
"keep those fans on stage" Niall spoke to the girl and she nods, from the TV and they get going
"We have a surprise for all of you, give it up for One Direction!!" Everyone is silent, until the, What Makes You Beautiful music came on and everyone started screaming when they came on and celebs were gobsmacked, but 5SOS were cheering.
You're insecure,
Don't know what for,
You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
Don't need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough,Liam sang and went over to the girl and kissed her hand and kissed it in a way of telling her thank you and i'm happy we saved you, way.
The boys all start jumping and messing around, and you thought they were going to be normal and emotional for their comeback.
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh, oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'd understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh, oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh, oh,
That's what makes you beautifulAll of a sudden, they all see a figure come out and the screams get louder than ever and they might be dead with the screams, but wondering who came. Zayn.
So c-come on.
You got it wrong.
To prove I'm right
I put it in a song.
I don't know why
You're being shy,
And turn away when I look into your eye-eye-eyes,they all hugged as Harry sang and Harry did get a hug from Zayn as he sang and they were all so happy. One Direction is back.
As the song comes to an end. The boys all gave each other hugs and were all sorta crying and when they heard screams, they were from 2 people. The fans and 5SOS.
"we see you out there 5SOS"
"we see you to, I think we can both see each other!!" Luke yelled and they all laughed
"Ladies" they boys approached and engulfed them in hugs "I loved your speech" Harry said again and smiled
"we all did, don't you dare try and get all the credit" Niall then stepped in between Louis and Harry and smiled awkwardly, but cutely, making everyone coo
"I'm sorry for these dumb boys behavior, I guess-" and then Niall heard over their fight on who got me first "Will you guys shut up" they went silent and Niall smiles, before laughing, when he heard Micheal shout
"these boys are annoying if you ask me. Zayn, Liam, don't even bother on asking if you even better, no your even worse, now" Niall looked out into the crowed and smiles "were back" Niall said in a voice that got people smiling "we wouldn't be back though, if it weren't for you guys. When we read the tweets on what their gonna do for our 8 years, we just thought that we needed to do something. I also wanna thank the boys, they've helped me accomplish and help me reach my goals. We've made it so far, I think we'll be ending this when we die. We are officially, off hiatus" Everyone starts crying and Niall does as well and the boys all hug him
"we did it" Harry whispered, but the microphones still got what he said "we made it back together and will always be lucky. Happy 8 years to us"
just then Niall grabs a bucket without anyone noticing (well accept the crowd) before saying into the mic
"It wouldn't be a One Direction come back, without fun" he then pours the water on them and they gasp

One-shots {[Niall Centric]}
FanfictionThese are just a bunch of Niall Centric one-shots, hope you like it. I also hope my spelling and grammar isn't bad