Chapter 2

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Gemmas P.O.V.

When we finally landed we took our luggage and made our way out of the airport...well we wanted to but paps blocked the exit, great. I had acually planned to not get recognised here but it obviously doesn´t really work. Gladly some security men from the airport helped us to get to our taxi and then drive to the hotel.

After we checked in and went to our room Gabriel asked me "so do you go to that one party today?" i quickly thought but couldn´t remember that someone told me about a party "what party?" i asked him clueless about what he said "you know the one with the celebs and footballers and that! i thought i told you" "well no you didn´t but it´s okay. I don´t know if i wanna go... but you said that footballer would be there right?" "yeah loads of them it´s something like a welcome party...for the world cup" "well if footballers come i think i´ll go then i can meet people like Leo or Xavi or some others OH maybe even David Luiz!!! haven´t seen him in ages!" by the thought of meeting all my old friends again i got really happy and sure that i wanted to go. "well then have fun!" "you´re not coming?" i asked him wondering why "first, i´m not a big fan of these kind of parties and second, i already told my uncle who lives here i would meet him today" "oh yeah... i already forgot that" "you forget everything don´t you?!" he said laughing "yeah yeah mocking your best friend great idea" i said leaving him alone to go to my room and decide what to wear. After which seemed like hours but probably only was about half an hour i decided to wear a plain black short sleeved dress whish went just over my knees with a pair of black not too high heels which i can already barely walk with, i´m useless when it comes to walking in heels already broke my ankle once.

i decidet to make a high french braid and apply nothing on my face other than a bit of mascara, i´m not a big fan of loads of make up in summer.

After that it was already time for me to leave so i said my good bye to Gabriel and went down to the lobby of the hotel. As soon as i got out of the lift a man came up to me and asked "do you need a taxi miss Edwards?" "oh yes that would be great" then the man guided me outside to the taxi, luckily no paps were around i knew that at the party would be loads so it was nice to relax a bit before the storm.

When the taxi arrived in front of the huge villa where the party was a ton of pas were already waiting outside, great.

I took a deep breath and got out of the taxi, all the paps were turning to me and taking pictures i gave them a light smile and made my way into the house. There i got greeted from a few men who i think are the ones who aranged this party so after i said hello to them i made my way inside.

Before i could look around to find anyone i heard someone call my name, i turned around and found Leo standing there with his arms open ready for a hug. I gave him a big hug and said "hi how are you?" he smiled and said "great now that i know you´re here too" i smiled and asked "how´s Thiago?" "great he´s grown so much since the time you saw him" "aww i bet he´s already playing football" Leo laughed and said "you know me well". Then i felt a person tabbing me on my sholder so i turned around and saw Casillas and soon a bunch of footballers were around me. We all had a little chat till i saw David Luiz and quickly made my way to him "Heeeeyyyyy" he said and gave me a big bear hug, god i´ve missed these "how are you? we haven´t seen each other in which seems like a live time!" he said "it was a live time" i said laughing, he wanted to say somethig but got interrupted by someone clearing his throat behind him, he took a step to the side and a man about my age and not too taller came into sight "Gemma thi-" "I know who he is" i said smiling at Neymar "well then Neyma-" "I also know who she is" Neymar said and we both had to giggle "well then i have nothing more to say" David said and walked away so i looked back at Neymar. "I didn´t know you were coming to this party" Neymar said smiling at me "I didn´t know either before i came here" i said giving him a smile back "do you want a drink?" he asked slightly pointing to the bar "yeah I´d love one" i said as we walked to the bar "what do you want?" he asked "a Mojito please" he nodded and said to the bar man "a Mojito and a beer please" the bar man quickly made our drinks and gave them to us "cheers" Neymar said and lightly raised his glass "cheers" i said raising mine aswell. After we got our drinks we went to sit outside next to the pool because it was a lot more silent and easier to talk to eachother. 

"I thought you are on your world tour right now why are you here?" he said starting a conversation "Well i just finished the UK leg of my tour and now i´m on a break for working on my next album and so i am able to be here" "so you just came for the world cup?" "yeah i love the world cup!" i said smiling. We continued talking for a long time till we realised there is barely anyone left at the party so we decidet to get going. 

When he told me he was staying at the same hotel as i did i wasn´t suprised as loads of famous people stayed there. Because it was already late he offered to take me to the hotel in his car as he has his car right outside the house and i gladly accepted his offer. 

Even though it was extremly late the paps were still outside waiting for people to come so when me and Neymar got out they obviously took hundreds of pictures again so we quickly sat in the car and drove back to the hotel. 

After we reached the hotel we went to the lift to go up to our rooms. "i had a lot of fun tonight it was great meeting you" he said turning to me "I also really enjoyed it" i answered smiling at him "so i´m sure we´ll see each other soon, at least at the games" "yeah definetelly" i answered as we were getting out of the lift "good night Gemma" he said holding out his hand "good night Neymar" i said shaking his, i then went to my room blushing like crazy what is wrong with me??.

As i entered the room Gabriel was already laying on the bed looking at me "why are you blushing??" he asked with an evil grin on his face, i tilted my head downwards and quickly made my way to the bathroom "i´m not blushing" i said somehow trying to get my face coulour back to normal, after i closed the bathroom door i could hear him laugh. Damn i really was blushing like crazy but i have to admit, Neymar is a really handsome guy... really really handsome.

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