Chapter 8

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A week later

Gemmas P.O.V

Today is the day i really didn´t look forward to since the break up, i have a concert in Barcelona today and i´m really scared of meeting Neymar. I know it´s kinda unrealistic as i will only be in the hotel or at rehearsals but still you never know.

As the tour bus arrived in front of the arena the concert will be at i quickly got my things together and left the bus. I tried to get into the arena as soon as possible so no fans would ask me for pictures, don´t get me wrong i love my fans but i´m really not in the mood to take pictures right now.

Rehearsals went quicker than i expected but a few songs before i could finish someone came up to me and said a young man was waiting for me and wanted to talk to me, i hope the man isn´t who i think he is.

As i followed the person who told me i soon could the a figure waiting backstage, he seemed to do something on his phone and by the way he stood there i could already tell who it was, Neymar. I took a deep breath and went up to him "Hi" i said catching his attention and making him look up from his phone "Hey" he said back giving me one of his adorable smiles which made me want to kiss him right here in front of all the people but i obviously didn´t do it. "Why are you standing so far away from me? I´m not gonna bite you" he said chuckling which made me look at the space between us, he was right i stood quite far away from him but i acually didn´t wanna change it. "why are you here?" i said trying not to sound too cold but as he heard my words he stoped smiling "I just wanted to see you, see if you´re okay. I missed you" he said looking at the floor as he said the last part. I took another deep breath and said "Look Neymar, i think we shouldn´t make this more uncomfortable and complicated as it already is i mean, yeah i missed you too, kinda but we both know that this thing between us won´t work out so i think we should try to not see each other anymore" it hurt me a bit to say that but i had to because it would hurt me and i also think him if we would see each other but still couldn´t be with each other. He took a few steps towards me and suddenly he stood so close to me that i could feel his breath on me and a whisper was enough for me to understand him "as much as i would like to agree with what youjust said and leave you to live your life, i can´t, i can´t let you go Gemma" him saying my name made me shiver "I can´t just stand here and let you go and leave me. You came into my life and made it so much better, so much more worth living and now you just simply wanna go? I´m sorry but i can´t let you go" his little speech made me look up at him and say "Do i have a choice?" "No" he said stepping even closer, if that´s even possible, "No you don´t have one, i love you Gemma and i won´t let you go" he said he loved me, he Neymar told me Gemma that he loves me but before i could do anything else he gently pressed his lips on mine, man i´ve missed those lips. I couldn´t resist and kissed him back. On one side i hated that he had such an affect on me but at the same time i have to admitt i loved it.

While Neymar was kissing me i forgot everything around me, the tour, the stress and unfortunately also the fans. I felt Neymars lips leaving mine as i heard voices of young girls and soon i felt flashes on us which came from the cameras the girls were holding in thei hands, oh no.

I know i´m sorry it acually isn´t wednesday anymore but as it´s half past three in the morning i thought this could kinda somehow count. Sorry again and i hope you enjoy this chapter!

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