"..I'm actually very hungry.."

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Taehyung's POV

"Hi Suho,by the way why are everyone looking at me"I said
Suho said"umm that.....you actually are holding a purse and also because you are the new CEO of Taerin groups"
I put the purse in the hidden pocket of my suit and said "oh ok then,lets start work"
Suho said "yes Mr.Kim"
I said "call me Taehyung,it's ok since you are older than me"
Suho said"how did you know?"
I said "well my dad certainly won't choose an assistant who is younger than me...well can I call you hyung(it means bro in Korean)"
Suho said"yeah of course"
I said "well what work so I have today"
Suho said "we have to check designs for our new 'Taerin Land' which is still constructing"

Time skip after working>>>>>>>>>>

Oh wait.. I have to call her and return her purse to her


Taehyung calls Jisoo

Jisoo's POV

Hahhhh today was exhausting.............
Ohh I'm getting a call*lifts the call*

Jisoo says "hello,who is this?"
The other person says "umm I'm the person who caught you while you were gonna fall down"
Jisoo said"ohhh...wait how did you get my number?"
Taehyung says "your purse fell and when I saw inside it,it had a number so I decided to call and return the purse.Where can we meet?"
Jisoo said"umm I'm actually very hungry....I didn't eat anything today.I'm an intern in an hospital......do you mind if we get to eat anything,and my purse is also with you so I didn't have any money today to eat"
Taehyung said"oh its ok I'm also very hungry today as all I did was work.So you can decide the place for returning your purse"
Jisoo said "ok....so the noodle restaurant near Taerin hospital"
Taehyung said"ok fine I'll be there by 10 pm"
Jisoo said"sorry for troubling you"
Taehyung said "it's ok Ms.Kim Jisoo"
Jisoo said "how do you know my name?"
Taehyung said"I saw ur ID"
Jisoo asked"what is your name?"
Taehyung said "Taehyung,Kim Taehyung"
Jisoo said "ohhh ok Taehyung-sshi"
Taehyung said "ok bye.....I'll be there by 10 pm"
Jisoo said "lol you already said that....btw thanks for calling instead of giving my purse to the police"
Taehyung said "its ok jisoo-sshi"
Jisoo said "bye then Taehyung-sshi"
*ends the call*

Omg how embarrassing.....how can I ask to meet in a restaurant?!?!

But I'm hungry😥😥😞😑

Taehyung's POV

Oh my god I was so nervous!!!

Its 9:45 right now and Taerin hospital is kind of far......wait Taerin hospital!!
Its my hospital! Well technically my dad's.
Ok Taehyung lets leave and not get late because she is pretty...............wait what did I even say....I mean it is.. true
Okay thoughts aside...now I will drive to the noodle restaurant near Taerin hospital

A/N: hi guys did yo like the plot??
Well if u guys have any suggestions please comment them.Sorry if there were any spelling or grammatical mistakes.....I was lazy to check and rewrite.

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