Artificial Womb?

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Jisoo's POV

My 24 hour shift officially started!!!!

We don't have any big cases until now,I wish it will stay that way today.

"Jisoo!"I heard Jung Kook call me
"Yes!"I shouted back
"Come to our office!"Jung Kook said
"Coming"I said
And I went to our office.

"Yes, Jung Kook"I said
"Come to the ER with me right now because this case is really hard"Jung Kook said
"Ok,what is it about?"I asked him
"I'll tell you on the way to the ER" Jung Kook said

We both started walking to the ER

"So,what is this case about?"I asked him once again
"There is this woman who got diagnosed with something,and the he doctor prescribed her some drug.But she got addicted to that drug. Her drug addiction led to another drug addiction with heroin"Jung Kook said
"Heroin!"I asked,it was truly shocking
"Yes,but the bad news is,that she is pregnant"Jung Kook said
"Pregnant!!!! Oh my god,that could be so dangerous"I said
"She tried to go clean,but she relapsed to the drug.She is 30 weeks pregnant"Jung Kook said
"What are we gonna do now?"I asked him
"I don't know,do you have any ideas to save the baby?"Jung Kook asked
"Could we put on drug surpresser?"I asked
"We actually could do that!"Jung Kook said happily
"Yes!"I said
"Ok,let's give her drug surpresser"Jung Kook said
"Yep,on that"I said and went to the storage to find drug surpresser.

No one's pov

Jisoo went to the storage unit to find the prescribed medication.

She saw another doctor in the storage unit,she bowed at him as he might be any resident.
He looked kind of young.

"Hey,I'm Jisung"he said
"Um,hi"jisoo replied as she sensed weirdness in him
"So,what's your name?"Jisung asked her
"Jisoo"she replied,and started finding the DS(drug surpresser)
"You need help?what are you finding?"Jisung asked her
"Um,I'm looking for DS"she said
"DS? DS should be right here"he said and knelt down,and touched her thigh to get it.
Jisoo quickly moved,as it was uncomfortable
"Take it"Jisung said and gave DS to her

While she was about to go,he caught her wrist
"Do you wanna have fun babe?"Jisung asked
She was completely disgusted
"What the fu--"she was about to say but he interrupted by trying to kiss her
She moved back as much as possible but she sit the wall

She screamed

Taehyung was walking around until the heard a girl scream,which sounded like jisoo
He heard it from the storage unit

So,he went in there and saw that one guy was forcing jisoo to kiss him.
Taehyung pulled his collar and shoved him away.

"What the heck man!I'm trying to have fun with her"Jisung said which made Taehyung really angry
But jisoo caught his hand and gave him a dont-get-angry-look

"You're going to be fired and taken to the police station for harrassing a woman!"Taehyung shouted at him
"No no,look,I'm sorry,but this job is the only thing that feeds me so please leave me sir.I promise to never do that,ever"Jisung said and bowed

"Ok fine,but if I see you harrassing anyone,I'm gonna fire you. Cause I'm the frikin CEO"Taehyung said

"S-sorry s-sir"Jisung said and left
"Jisoo,are you ok,did he do anything to you?"Taehyung asked
"I'm completely fine,if you didn't come to save me also,I'd be fine"jisoo said
"But you screamed"Taehyung said
"That was to scare him away,if it didn't work on him,I'd show my black belt taekwondo skills on him"jisoo said
"Black belt?"Taehyung asked
"Yep, black belt"jisoo said
"I'm going home now,if you want me,then give me a call.No sexual reference by the way"Taehyung said and smirked
Jisoo hit his shoulder
"Such a tease, anyways gotta go I've got a really hard case.Bye!!"jisoo said and left.

Jisoo's POV

That guy Jisung was sacry.
But I've got a black belt taekwondo so I would have beaten the shit out of him!

"Jisoo,did you bring DS?"Jung Kook asked me
"Yes"I replied
"What took you so long?"Jung Kook asked.
"I couldn't find the DS"I lied.
"Ok,lets get to treating the mother and the baby"Jung Kook
"Yes sir!"I said and saluted.
Jung Kook chukled
Beep beep beep.

"The heart rate of the featus is going down!"I shouted
"We have to deliver the baby"Jung Kook said
"Ok,let's get on to it"I said.
"Phew,I can live peacefully now"I said
"The baby might not be stabilized completely but guess what,we delivered the youngest featus in all time!"Jung Kook said. He looked very excited to have that title.
Beep beep beep
"The lungs of the baby are not functioning well"I said
"It's probably because of the
drugs.put her on the ventilator!"Jung Kook said
"But the baby will not withstand the ventilator because her lungs are not fully developed."I said
"But we will have time to think and possibly save her! So put her on the ventilator,now!"Jung Kook said.He looked angry,but there will be a purpose behind his temper.
"Ok,let's put her on the ventilator"
"I have a idea,what if we keep her in the artificial womb that we have been designing?"I asked Jung Kook

"Yes,yes! But her CT scan showed that her brain is not functioning properly,so the artificial womb may not work for her as it might create vaccum"Jung Kook said.

I got this brilliant idea

"What if we filled the artificial womb with water?"
Timeskip after their success.

"We delivered a baby after it was delivered,wow!"Jung Kook said
"I know right! It was so cool"I said

I'm super exhausted.
I also have a date with tae.
"I'm gonna head home now."o said to Jung Kook and left the hospital.

No one's pov.

Jisoo was stretching outside the hospital.
Her whole stomach got shown because of the wind.
Jisoo didn't know that Taehyung was there,looking at her exhausted state with her having 0% makeup on.

Jisoo finally noticed Taehyung and hid her face

"You've got nice abs there babe"Taehyung said and hugged her.
"Our date is in 2 hours,why are you here now?"jisoo said.
"Can't I come early to see my girlfriend?"Taehyung asked.
"Hahah, whatever,I have to go home,take a shower and get ready for our date.Bye!"jisoo ran away,but Taehyung caught her arm
"I'm coming with you babe"Taehyung said.
To be continued...

A/n:hey guys
Sorry for late update.
It's 2 am right now,so I couldn't think properly,I probably would have written bullshit.
I'm gonna go to sleep now!
As always
Be healthy.
Be happy.
Be yourself.
Love yourself.

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