Number 137: The Sensory Goggles

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My hand brushes against the wall, the smooth surface coming to a bump and the wall opens up to create a door way.

"That's my room" my mothers informs in her soft voice.

I nod in the general direction I here her voice and keep walking.

I've been trying to memorize the layout of my house so I can get around without help. I need to become independent again, I need to regain by strength to be able to beat that... thing.

My hand hits a bump again, my hand skips and the wall opens up to another room.

"That is the computer room," my mom trailed off.




Pick up. Pick up.


"Heyo, this is Hatsume. How may I help you?"

"Hey, Its Midoriya. Do you think you could build me something"

"Sure whadaya want"

-Later that week

Turn left

I pivot to the left and keep walking. My feet patting on the ground along with all the other people of the streets.

Turn right.

The sounds of cars speeding past and the mindless buzzing of people. I can't wait to get back to U.A. I haven't been there in forever. I might not be attending classes in forever, but will be nice being back in the place I used to chase my dreams in. Even if those dreams are dead now.

Turn right.

I should be there in just a minute. They should be having class right now. I wonder if I'll see any of my friends.

Wait that's dumb of course I can't see them.

Your destination is on your left.

I turn the smells of smog filling my nose and making me cough.

I feel around for the ID swipe and finally find it. I swipe my ID and hear the soft Ping and the doors slide open.

Walking in, I take a deep breathe of the place I use to call home.

"Call Hatsume," I say into my headphonoes.

Calling Hatsume


"Heyo, this is Hatsume. How may I help?"

"Hey, I'm here at the front"

"Cool I'll be there in a bit"

"M'kay," the phone line clicks off and I stand there for a little bit, taking back in grandness of this school.

"Midoriya!" a high pitched, excited voice shouts my name. "I'm so glad your interested in my work. I have just the thing for you, its my baby number 137. Its a high tech sensory..." She starts to ramble about what she made me. It's interesting, but I don't understand half the words she is saying.

"Here," she grabs my arm and starts to drag me into the school. "Come in, i need to show it to you."

She lead me into the building rambling about other tech she's made until we finally get to the lab.

"Ok, be careful," She warns me, "We don't want you tripping and falling. Now ones secon... Aha! Here try theses on."

I slip the goggles on and tighten them to fit my head. The sides feel soft against my injured face with to small metal pieces on either side of my head

"Now when you walk around," She proceeded to tell how they work. "Those goggles will sense everything around you, they will make sure that you don't bump into anything or wander into the street. Anytime you something like that happens it'll give you a quick buzz on the side that the danger is in."

I nod along making sure I memorize everything about the goggles, so I don't forget anything.

"Now you better be on your way," She sweetly shoos me off, "I have more things to make."

I shuffle out of the lab, the goggles buzzing as I step around all the equipment. I finally pick my way out and break into the silent hall ways, sounds of buzzing and rustling of tools chipping at her next project.

The goggles buzz. Why are they buzzing, there's nobody in the hallways. Then I feel the breeze, the breeze that I feel so often in my dreams.

Making progress I see.

I stand there, frozen in fear. The hot breathe wafting in my face. It stinks of rot and grime. I feel dirty just barely touching it.

I'll allow it. I have to give you a chance after all.

Another breeze and the breathe is gone. Even the stink of it has dissipated. I hear a small gasp and the pattering of feet running away.

Someone saw it.

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