Attack in the Woods

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I come back to consciousness, rubbing my dull eyes and sitting up. Where was I. I don't remember going home. The last thing I remember was...

Oh my god!

I leap up and tumble over, my breathe being knocked out of me as I hit the floor with a loud smack. I stumble back up and rub my head trying to dull the throbbing pain. I shuffle around, my goggles buzzing as I hit into things and finally find the door. I turn the knob and step out. Immediately running into someone.

"Ah!" I scream in surprise, "Uh- Sorry."

"Don't worry its fine," Todoroki mumbles, "We heard a loud crash so I came up here to check on you."

"We?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah all of us are in the in the hangout area downstairs."

"How did I get here?" I question, my voice still filled with morning grog.

"You fell asleep when we were talking," He informs me, "So I brought you to the dorms, I got a few of the other classmates to bring your stuff over."

'Th- Thanks..." I mumble as I start to walk in the direct the elevator is.

"Wrong way," Todoroki notifies me, his voice echoing down the empty hallway.

I turn around and trudge in the other direction, my legs tired and still aching like yesterday. I feel and hand grab mine as he leads me towards the elevator. We stand in the elevator for a minute as it slides down to the first floor, the silence awkward and strange.

"Hey guys!" I beam as I step out of the elevator and into the living area.

Nobody responds. I hear someone shift in there seat and I feel the tension.

"Um- Come sit down Deku," I hear Uraraka say, her voice heavier then her normal light, happy tone.

"You need to stop ignoring us about the thing," Iida demands, his voice grave and sad.

"Wow," Uraraka shouts, "Way to be blunt!"

I here a few people try to stifle there giggles as I sit down.

"We need to get straight to the point," Iida contradicts, "There's no point in holding it back."

I rest my head in my hand, a headache slowly forming from my fall.

"Deku please," Uraraka pleads with me, "Just talk to us. We can help."

"No," I shout my voice hoarse and dry, "You- You really can't!"


"You guys can't do anything," I croak, my voice fading away into tears, "I have to... I have to do this on my own."

I try to make my way to the door, stumbling around as I go. I burst out of the dorms and break into a run, running until i'm lost. Tripping and falling what seems like hundreds of times as I run, my legs becoming covered in cuts and bruises.

I run into a tree and fall on my back, not even bothering to get up, staring at the white void that is my life now. I sit there for what feels like hours, just laying there, the pine cones digging into my back as the minutes pass, not bothering to move. Until I feel the breathe. The familiar breathe, the smell of rot filling my nose and making me gag and roll away to protect myself from the horrid smell.

I feel a sharp claw on my face. Tearing at my skin, but I just sit there, paralyzed in fear, unable to move.

All the pain comes to me at once, I scream and scramble up, feeling the hot blood drip down my face as I run like my life depends on it, because it does. I sprint, as fast as I can, becoming even more lost.

I run smack into somebody and we both topple onto the ground. I jump and feel a familiar hand grab mine and pull me back down.

"Midoriya!" I hear Todoroki shout sternly, I flinch back. "Midoriya... what happened. Your face is all torn up and bloodied. Why, why were you running?"

"I- I um," I stutter and sob, fear taking over me completely, my voice completely dried out.

I hear more foot steps run up to me. I feel hands touch my shoulders and hear my friends consoling me and asking what happened. There voices sympathetic and wet, as if they had all been crying.

"It- it came," I manage to choke out, my voice slowly coming back as my friends calm me, "It came again, It was different, I- I... I don't know what to do... "

"We can help you," I hear someone say, their voice soft and concerned, "Don't worry, we can protect you. We're heroes after all, Its are job."

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