Day 1. Monday, Waning Crescent

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It was the perfect time to start classes. The moon was waning, his bones were shifting back into place, and his urges were dying down. The Fall semester had actually begun a week prior, but the stress and his condition would have been a horrible combination--making a late admittance ideal. Honestly, this school had been a godsend--far enough from home to feel like an escape but with enough resources so that he could properly adjust.

There were enough early classes and night ones to take around his stages, and enough long walkways and ramps that he could navigate with his forearm crutches. He had to rely on them for a week each month, or longer depending on the pain.

At the request of his family, he checked in with the school's support group. It would be smaller than back home but he was sure having some sort of network would come in handy. After all, he was going to be stuck at this campus for another four years.


He limped his way to the Grimwald building, across the large green lawn of activities and meetups. Leaves and earth crunched under his sneakers and a thousand smells wafted through his nostrils, but he kept his focus. His teeth poked into his bottom lip. Annoying, but he was used to it by now. He pushed the heavy wooden door open, and it creaked as he stepped inside. The tile floor had a layer of dust, the lighting was dim, as if the bulbs weren't getting enough power. He took off his shades, hooking them into his knit cap. Low lighting was good. He always got looks for wearing his shades on sunless days. People either thought he was blind or putting on some kind of 'cool guy' persona. Both were assumptions he tried to roll with.

Compared to the other buildings this one was eerily quiet and much older. There was a weird smell in the air, possibly chemical, like the rot of an old science lab. He wondered if any classes were actually held in the building. He found the door he had been looking for, 112, slightly ajar.

"Is this the Lycan..." His eyes scanned the room quickly. Inside there were four people seated in a semicircle.  In front of them was a desk occupied by an intimidating, hairy, pale individual. They all looked back at Hunter, and a familiar jolt ran down his spine.

There was a large calendar with the phases of the moon on one wall, a stack of pamphlets on back and nerve pain atop a small bookshelf. The same bookshelf contained books with such lovely topics such as Pack Dynamics in Modern Society, Managing Phantom Limb Pain, and the biggest tip off title: Lycanthropy and me. "Got it. Nevermind." He put his crutches aside took his seat in the only vacant chair, next to a girl with fake wolf ears on her head adorned with multiple piercings.

"This should be everyone." The pale man said. "You may have sensed others on campus." He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment."They are not new, so their presence at this meeting was not required." He gathered several of his long, blond dreads and set them over his back. "My name is Jermaine Garou. I act as Lycanthrope counselor. As for my official position, I am an English professor here. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any problems adjusting." Despite his words, his gaze was steely and his tone was cold. Hunter wondered if it was a predatory thing. He had heard that happened when a Lycanthrope from another area appeared.

Professor Garou pushed several pamphlets forward. "This is a compilation of advice and information left behind by previous students. Also, this." He produced several blue whistles from a box. "Blow this in an emergency. Unexpected phase changing, especially. I expect that you have your own binding materials, but we do have a small budget in case you need quick entrapment. We want to avoid any dangerous situations. Everyone's shift is different."

Hunter couldn't agree more. Between the four students gathered two appeared completely unfazed, one had a cane, and one was trying not to drool. His time of complete normalcy would come next week, definitely not last long enough, and end with the half moon.

Lycanthropy and Me: The First Semester(mlm)Where stories live. Discover now