Hey guys :P
Have this song playing in your ears. You're gonna love the intro >:3
Set the audio to loud though, it's a little hard to hear what Nate's saying...
Y'know, just telling ya, the Chris in the cover is completely messed up xD
Drawing on your phone is hard if you lost your stylus pen lmao
So, I'm gonna post rants and stuff and even some lazy arts and pointless doodles whenever I feel like it.
Not much is important here lol
flurry awayyyy
Flurry's Random Book #1
RandomIt's time for me to make a Randomness Book >:3 Take a peek if you want lol Here you'll find: Rants, art, pics, anything-I-feel-like-posting, updates, and F A N D O M S. EnJoY i GuEsS