It's time for me to make a Randomness Book >:3
Take a peek if you want lol
Here you'll find: Rants, art, pics, anything-I-feel-like-posting, updates, and F A N D O M S.
EnJoY i GuEsS
Guys, they're doing something in Europe, some kind of copyright software to erase copyrighted stuff, like fanfictions, edits, mashups, and stuff like that, and it's said that they're releasing it today.
My friend SecretlyNerd told me that it's all about to provide the music industry with more money and more stuff.
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I may not live in Europe and may not be old enough to understand bullshit like this, but I'm trying to help others to stop this and warn others as well.
If I'm not mistaken, there is a website to vote to stop this. I think it's
To help fellow writers and artists, please vote because I can't xD
And I'm telling this to warn my friends as well, because what if one of my friends live in Europe?
Just search it up on Google if you don't understand what I mean in this page.