I thought you would like to hear this

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...so I decided to show you a short preview of my upcoming JSAB book. :D

So anyway I need to tell ya guys this

So two chapters ago I said that I'm making a decision-making book with the short preview I added

But I changed my mind ^^"

So the decision-making stuff is now moved to this story, called "Corrupted"! I personally love this idea for a JSAB story, and I really CAN'T WAIT to share it with you guys! I got big plans with the plot and various things that'll happen if you guys choose the right or wrong decisions! And for once in my life, I'm making a JSAB fanfic that actually uses my own damn headcanons for the characters-

I used to not have one. :P

Hope you'll like this preview of the first chapter!


"Cyan, LOOK OUT!"

Something exploded behind him, and he launched quite two feet into the air because of its impact on the ground. He landed with a loud thud and his face scraped the dirt, earning himself a nasty scratch on his right cheek. He groaned as he tried to stand up, arms wobbling like jelly as he tried to push himself off the ground.

But as he did, something large and powerful and what felt like a huge claw violently grabbed ahold of his little blue neck, the sudden weight making his arms collapse and caused his face to smash against the hard dirt. Blood leaked from his lip. The claw was blocking his windpipe, almost crushing it as it lifted him clear off the ground.

He snapped shut his eyes as he desperately thrashed around in its grip, opening his mouth to scream yet unable to make a single sound. He tried clawing at its arm, he even tried kicking even though his legs couldn't even reach its huge body, but it was no use.

With difficulty, he opened his eyes little by little, and what met his gaze, the creature that was currently crushing his neck, was absolutely terrifying.

Whatever it was, another one of its claws was raised above its head like a deadly set of blades, a nasty, psychotic grin of pure evil plastered on its face. It looked ready to strike into his heart, and then it would be over.

One of its milky white eyes with pink edges had a psychotic, crazy tic that pulsed rapidly, as if dancing with victory. Its glare was bright and dazzling, and the look of death was swimming in them.

He couldn't stop it. The claw launched itself towards the direction of his chest . . .


A gust of wind blew across the beautiful green hills of Paradise.

Ah, spring.

Cyan's second favorite season of the year after winter.

The nice chilly breeze blew across his face from his right as he leaned against a tree, hidden under the shades provided by the leaves, with his arms folded across his chest. It was refreshing. The end of his striped blue scarf billowed slightly from the soft wind, his bright cyan hair bouncing along with it.

The blue square teen, who was only nineteen at the moment, was quite alone, but he was enjoying the somewhat rare moment of solitude. As his name suggests, Cyan's hair and skin were bright cyan all over, like the colours of an exotic lake, and his pupils were the colour of a deep blue ocean, pure beautiful blue sapphires embedded in his eyes, which had unintentionally charmed countless fangirls. Bangs of his blue hair swept to his right across his literally square face and his closed right eye. He was wearing a simple navy blue blazer jacket which sleeves only reached three-quarters of his arms with a white shirt underneath, and black short pants that barely reached his knees.

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