Lookie lookie 👀
I made a video previewing my artworks and sketches for LN! XD
I bet you can't decipher them ;P
Now it's 10 PM.
Neeed to sleeeepBaii
Flurry's Random Book #1
RandomIt's time for me to make a Randomness Book >:3 Take a peek if you want lol Here you'll find: Rants, art, pics, anything-I-feel-like-posting, updates, and F A N D O M S. EnJoY i GuEsS
New Literal Nightmares video :P
Lookie lookie 👀
I made a video previewing my artworks and sketches for LN! XD
I bet you can't decipher them ;P
Now it's 10 PM.
Neeed to sleeeepBaii