War Will Take A Toll

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             An image formed...

               I slowly stretched my arms and then headed towards the door. I realized Ky wasn't in the room. I guessed he must have left before I did.
      After I left the training room, I started to my quarters. I didn't see anyone until I got into the main hallway. I saw Ky. His eyes were full with an ocean of blue tears. "Ky? Wha- What happened?" I asked. He looked in shock. He only pointed to a door. Bo-Katan's quarters. He couldn't speak. This was not a good sign. I walked in. Many people from Clan Wren were inside. But what happened next was something I couldn't put in words. There, lying on her bed, was Bo-Katan. She wasn't alive...

A haunting image of my past. It hurts to see it again.

The image changed...

         Now all I saw was the lifeless troopers I slaughtered. They were people as well. "Why?" A voice called out. I couldn't tell or see who said it, but it didn't seem to matter. "I did what I had to do! I'm- I'm sorry..." I stammered, but my voice trailed off. A trooper came towards me, their helmet off. I couldn't see the trooper completely, only the figure. The figure looked kind, but they reached into their holster on their weapon belt and pulled out there gun. "Do you know who we are?" The trooper asked. The trooper completely came into view. It was a girl. A young girl, but her scars changed her. Battle scars. I shook my head.
           "We are people who were brain washed as children and stolen from our families to go fight a war for a cause we don't even know." She paused but didn't stop. "You don't know what war can do to a child. We are being sent at the age of thirteen." That can't be true. This is all fake, right? "Why do you kill?" She asks.
               "I'm- I'm sorry. I had too! I had to save Mandalore..." I seemed at a loss of words. "At. What. Cost." She said slowly, but then drifted away and she pulled the trigger. "No!" I called. I saw her body slump to the ground and then I saw Kylo. I took the darksaber from my belt and forced him towards me. His body slumped down as well... and then it all drifted away...
                                 • • •
                   My face met my hands and I was greeted with a wet face. Tears stroked my cheeks and then fell from my chin unto my armor. I saw Lillia and Beatriz. They were worried and at a loss of words. They turned to reveal an unconscious Kylo. "What- what happened." I stuttered. "He tried reading your mind when you were asleep but something happened and you knocked him unconscious." Lillia said. She was confused. This must not have been done before. Now we were all at a loss of words, and then a wave of tiredness fell over me again as I tried to stand. I must have been using the force. I fell down but Lillia steadied me. "We need  to get her back to the camp quickly!" Lillia said. "I'm on it!" Beatriz said jumping to my side. "I'm okay, I'm okay!" I said but Lillia didn't believe me. I'm not as powerful as she is with the force, but she is truly bewildered. I tried walking on my own and made it quite far, but needed some help from Beatriz. We made it back to camp and I felt relieved when I made my way towards the tent and into a calm wave of sleep.

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