Captured Again...

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I cocked my head to the side. Beatriz obviously knew her from her time as a spy for the Alliance. Her glare, focused on the trooper. The trooper focused on her.
"Traitor!" She yelled across to where Beatriz stood.
"I was never on your side." Beatriz returned with crossed arms.
"Cuff the others. I've got Beatriz." She said her name like it was a curse. And at that we were cuffed because that's what happens when you run into the First Order. Cuffed or killed.
Phasma strode towards Beatriz. Taking large steps. She was excited to finally catch her. I pulled against the trooper, but he steadied me and forced me straight. We were forced on our knees in front of Phasma. I looked up and scoffed. Beatriz was brought in front of us. She spit on Phasma and in return she slapped her. Lillia and I rose to our feet. Blood dripped from her face.
"You will pay for that!" I yelled. Phasma caught my eye, and walked over, but once she came near, all of the stormtroopers were shot dead, besides the ones behind us. I jumped up and elbowed the trooper behind me. Smoke bombs went off. It was a burst of color. Purple. Bombs I helped create. Clan Wren.
"Go, go, go!" I heard my mother say. Once the fog cleared up they had Phasma captured and all of the remaining troopers. I saw my mother. She returned my gaze and started towards me, with my father shortly behind.
"Mother!" I say with a short embrace.
"Hey Sue!" My father calls.
"Hello father." I say.
"Have you practiced what I taught you?" He asked.
"Ummm... yes, totally." I lie with a smirk. I then lift up a pebble and hit Beatriz. She whips around not even knowing what hit her. I snicker and my father joins me. She then moved back to the Mandalorians fixing her cut from Phasma.
After my father and I have finished laughing about idiotic things, my mother asks me to come home with her.
"Mother..." I start. "We need to stay. This would be a great and powerful base for the Alliance."
"Okay. But come back soon! Clan Wren needs you." She calls while beckoning Mandalorians back to there ship.
"We are leaving a ship for you." A fellow Mandalorian informs me.
"There's no need." I say, but the mandalorian cocks his head.
"Then coming back will be an adventure." He says.
"That's what I'm looking for." I answer. The Mandalorian slowly nods and then regroups with the rest of his group. I look around for Ky or Alora but neither of them are found. I then sit on a log and watch Beatriz tie Phasma to a tree.

"Let me go on the mission, too!" I yell, but Sumya's mother, Sabine didn't budge.
"She will be okay. I will make sure of it." She said and walked up the ramp.
Alora walked by me and patted me on the shoulder.
"She's right."

COMPLETED- BEYOND THE GALAXY: A New Beginning (BOOK TWO) Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now