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"Lillia, if what you say is true, then that was a vision of the future, and that must mean that we won the war!" Father exclaims.
"Father, the future has many possible outcomes, that being one of them." I say to my father.
"I know, I know." My father shakes his head.
"But I know we will do everything we can until we win, even if that means I die trying." I hold his hand and patted it in an attempt of reassurance.
"I know. That's what I am afraid of."

"We should build it underground!" Beatriz yells.
"No! Above ground, but highly protected and hidden!" I retort.
Alora stands silently at my side, quietly chuckling, with Tieyan.
"Okay, Alora. You pick!" I say annoyed.
"Oh." She picks her head up and laughs again. "Sorry, Beatriz, but I say above ground." Tieyan nods.
"Yes!" I yell and make a face at Beatriz. "The base would eventually collapse like the one built long ago on Hoth."
"Bu- But we have better materials!" She challenges. I wave my fingers left and right saying, 'no.' She huffs, crosses her arms and lays silently. I go and sit next to her. "If we die, I blame you." Beatriz says. I punch her gently in the arm and get up.
"Come on, Beatriz! We've got work to do!"

                       I watch Sumya's departure over and over again. I hope she's safe. I say to myself.
                      I sat alone on my bed in my quarters. Finally in my normal Clan. Clan Ursan. I'm lonely here. I have no family. Just as I get up to leave to train, I loud knock rings the door. I open the door awkwardly and see a young girl standing on the other side.
                      "Ky?" She asks intently.
                      "Is that Ursa?" I almost yell. Breathes coming in faster and faster. She completely opens the door.
                      "Yes, Ky. It is." I embrace her immediately.
                       "My sister. I thought you were dead." I answer, panting. My heart was beating a hundred miles a minute. Tears ran down my face and flooded onto my armor given to me by Sumya.
"I was captured by the First Order and kept in the detention level, used for my engineering skill." She answers. She was always so smart. I realized that she would get along swell with Sumya.
"For a full year?" I ask skeptically. She nods. "Tha- that's awful. I should- I should have been there-"
"Ky, you were always with me. It was not your fault I was captured, it was Kylo Ren's." I nod. She pulls away from my embrace and looks at me. Her hair must have recently been redone. She had taken a shower and had retrieved new armor.
"You look like a complete different person." She says. "Your hair grew. You don't have a buzz-cut anymore."
"Well I haven't necessarily had the time." I answer with a chuckle.
"I like it." She says. I smile. "But, anyway, so how have you been?"
"I have been good!" I say. Ursa looks at me and then lowers her voice.
"Are you and Sumya together yet?" She asks and I laugh. She smiles and I look at her knowingly.
"Yes." I laughed even more.
"Well, anyway. I need to tell you something." Her expression changed. "I- I was tracked..."

**Hey guys!  I hope you like the new chapter. Ursa is made by a friend. beartamer202 **

COMPLETED- BEYOND THE GALAXY: A New Beginning (BOOK TWO) Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now