Lilly for the Miserable-Ch.5

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I tried to at least get my cart by my side before replying to this cold stranger. Looking down at my chocolate colored boots like a child that just got scolded, I squeaked out an, "I-I'm s-sorry."

I turned away with my eyes burning.

People don't realize that their words actually do hurt. Maybe I was being overemotional, but I felt like dirt. Why couldn't that guy just understand that I didn't see him? I should've apologized some more. Scratch that, I should have seen where I was going and paid more attention to my surroundings.

Deciding to augment the scrappy remains of my Sunday, I pursued my search of finding the food on the list. Better do something right.

Grabbing everything and making sure I didn't forget any of the listed items, I headed to the self check out. Honestly, I knew I would'nt be able to handle the awkward and unnecessary conversation with a cashier. Oh brother. Since Fresh Deluxe was so close to my high school, I was bound to run in with someone familiar. And I'd rather be caught picking my nose than run into my classmates.

Or run in with angry strangers my age. 

I groaned. There goes my wandering mind! Ugh.

I actually gave in to my brain's pleading, and started to delve further in wonder as I let the machine swallow my fifty dollar bill. Did that guy go to my school and I didn't happen to notice it? Or does he go to another school here in Boston?

As if he heard me ask the question, I felt a pair of eyes burning a hole on my neck. I quickly turned around like a mad woman, just to prove my suspicion.

Before he ran away to leave, I caught his alluring pair of bright blue eyes that were peering at me curiously. What an amazing shade of blue. The kind of blue that reflects back at you when you stand above a pool at night while the side lights are on.

But there was something about his eyes.

Eyes so cold, that I've seen somewhere at night in the cold. Clenching my hands into fists, I shoved my products inside my bag, struggling to remember. God, how I hated my horrible memory.

"Ma'am, do ya need help with them bags?" A polite voice asked me with a hint of a Southern accent.

My gaze locked onto a petite female with short brown hair. I shook my head as a no, sending her a small smile before darting towards the exit, and then to the Zepplin. Maybe I'll end up running into that guy again, I thought anxiously.

Now thinking about it- I know those eyes. We met somewhere, that has to be it.

I craned my head to look for him as I pushed open the exit door and put away my shopping cart. But I didn't see a tall nineteen year old anywhere with a scowl. I was imagining him with a permanent scowl. Why? I don't know. Maybe because he was so rude to me.

Funny how I'm looking for him when he's probably running away from me.

I sighed audibly, unlocking the Zepp. Pushing in all the food, I turned to go drive home so I could scramble to finish my Friday night homework and get ready for another torturous day of school. Even worse, surviving school without Devin to be there with me. Oh well. I'm sure everything will end up being fine. What if I see that guy from Fresh Deluxe at school and he terrorizes me?

I shook my head to get the thought out of it. Distracting myself, I hummed a song under my breath as I reversed my car. I needed to calm down and be a little optimistic for once.

"Hmm hmm uh uh ya hmm,"

Snapping my head to the side in my song's rhythm, I kept humming, trying to get that awful stranger out of my head. Why is he even bothering me in my thoughts? He's not even here and I'm already bothered by him.

Turning on a familiar road, I spotted black fur moving speedily past some array of bushes and trees. I slammed my foot on the gas pedal when the black fur neared close to my tire.

What in the heck?!

Was this animal purposely trying to kill itself and label me the killer? I groaned frustratedly when my car swerved unpredictably, half way parking itself messily on grass and gravel.

I parked the car, deciding to just screw it all and check what animal considered suicide today.

Muttering curses under my breath, I got out of the car and searched for the black fur I swore I saw.

Right near a bed of lilies and tulips, a whining animal was comfortably sitting with its ears jerked erect. I gaped when I spotted a lily in his mouth, resting between his canine teeth and jagged molars.

The wolf I saw in my pajamas yesterday was right in front of me. Blue eyes warm and glowing, with a rugged smile on his face.

"For me?" I joked with a nod towards the flowers.

The wolf scratched at the grass and the flowers, getting up. He ran towards me and I warily stepped back in fear; purely out of instinct.

When the wolf witnessed my stepping back, he whined, releasing the lily quickly. But as soon as he dropped it, he bit it back again, and nudged my knee with his muzzle. 

It was as if he were pleading, Here. Take it.

Calling myself insane and a few other foul words, I grabbed the lily with a 'screw it all' attitude and stared at the wolf blankly. I should've been running for the hills, but of course, I was crazy. The wolf was sitting on his hind legs, looking peaceful as he rubbed his muzzle with his left paw. He looked extremely adorable at this moment; no anger or rage, just happiness and contentment.

I woul've killed for a Kodak.

However, after a while I noticed an unsettling mood as he kept shifting his gaze away from mine. I wondered if he was embarrassed or something. He was a wolf! Animals don't have human emotions! I naively blubbered trying to think this through- the calm, rational way. 

This had to be crazy, I concluded as he shot me a small closed smile before breaking out into a run through the secluded, ominous forest.

Something soft brushed my palm. Only now remembering that I had a flower in my hands, I lifted up the yellow colored tulip and took a sniff. It smelled like freshly brewed strawberry champagne.

I started coughing when the pollen rushed into my nose. "Aw crap!" I wiped it away quickly. I'm so glad no one saw that.

Then again, I faintly heard deep rumbling coming from the creepy forest. Calling myself, yet again, a whack job, I shook my head in hopes of clearing it.

As I walked back to the green jeep, which was clumsily parked onto the dirt and the road, I couldn't help but feel completely confused about my day.

Why would Jenevieve try to lie to me so I couldn't go to the market? Going grocery shopping wasn't like snorting up cocaine or something. And why can't I get that guy from Fresh Deluxe out of my head?

His eyes were so sharp yet so dim; more powerful than anything I've ever witnessed.

And this wolf I've seen for a total of two times has been stalking me, giving me lilies in the middle of freaking October!

Do they even grow in October?

Oh what's the use of even pondering over my weird life. I should've known better than to have questioned things like some curious child that always says "why is the sky blue? where do baby's come from?"

I slammed my car door open, getting ready to sit down when I saw a large white scratch diagonally perched onto the bottom of the previously green car door.

My stomach clenched uncomfortably. What was it?

Touching the new battle scar, I tried closing my eyes and opening them, checking if I was just hallucinating.

I groaned to myself when the white scar ended up looking even bigger when I backed away to look at it.

Jenevieve is going to kill me. This is her car! Didn't she say "take care of my baby" or something like that earlier today? I'm dead. I'm dead.  Good as gone.

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