Got Off on the Wrong Foot, Yea?-Ch.4

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Thanks for all the support, you guys. I'm kind of peeved at the moment. My room decided to be really hot this morning. So I'm writing this in, oh I don't know, oven baking temperature? Haha. This chapter is going to be hot!

Too bad I'm not.

Lol. I'll just shut up now. Go read, my lovelies! 


"Is this your underwear that's laying askew over a lamp, Ms.O'Reilly!? Oh Lord, I missed my church service so I could take care of you, and this is what I find at the crack of 11 o' clock? Panties? Young lady, you were raised better than this!"

My housemaid, Jenevieve, was one of the craziest women I know.

Groggily wiping away the eye boogers from the creases of my eyes, I sat up on my bed, awaiting Armageddon. I tried to shoot the aging woman a winning smile, but by the daggers she was shooting me with her eyes, it wasn't working.

"Jenevieve, I'm tired. It's too early to be screaming." I whined hoarsely.

She quirked up an eyebrow; giving me an ominous look with her cobalt stained eyes.

"I dare you to go back to sleep." She said dangerously, just as I was closing my eyes with my hands set in a prayer beneath my head.

Come on! Why wouldn't she let me return to my peaceful slumber! I loved her for raising me like her own daughter, but this was just insane.

"Fine, young lady; you asked for it." I heard her laugh under her breath before soft steps echoed away on my marble floor. The pitter-patter's then slowly disappeared and silence surrounded my now solace filled bedroom.

Aaaaand that's when I dozed off like a child in a long car ride. Ahh, finally peace.

When all of a sudden, it occurred to me what Jenevieve was capable of, I shot right up on my bed as fast as my muscles allowed me. Too bad I ended up tumbling into a pretzel on my cold marble floor with my legs twisted here and there.

My left thigh was perched up onto the bed while my face was slanted, half kissing the ground. If anyone took a picture of me, I'd kill for it back.

"Oh dear! What a mess you've made! Here, let me help you up," My maid, Jenevieve uttered frantically with a hint of an amused tone in her voice. I know she was trying as hard as possible to keep her laughter locked inside because she was doing a terrible job at it.

Giggles finally escaped from Jenevieve's mouth without remorse."Oh goodness," She laughed as she first lifted me up by my shoulders and then twisted me around, so I was back down on the bed.

My face was a bright red hue, and I'm sure I looked like a bottle of ketchup with my hair and face identically alike.

"Sorry. I realized too late what you were capable of, Jenevieve." I said breathlessly, scratching the back of my neck with a sheepish look.

She waved me off, not at all offended. "It's fine." Jenevieve scrunched up her face, remembering something. "Wait a second, don't you usually go to the mark- Uhh. Never mind, up up up." She pushed me towards the doorway, and I stumbled clumsily from the sudden outburst. "Time for breakfast. I just remembered, I made your favorite. Blueberry muffin with a banana and juice." 

I knew the smile she was beaming at me was completely fake. "So you only remembered the breakfast, huh? Wait, what did you say before that?"

She hesitated, smiling widely again."Uh..oh nothing. Just time for breakfast."

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