And Broken

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*AGE CHANGE FROM 12 to 14 IN LITTLE SISTER; TURNED 15 IN Disturbing Behavior*

Jared stood near the back of the library, eyeing the Bennett witch as she bent over her grandmother's grimoire. She had arrived about ten minutes after Elena called her, the same energy of determination as the Gilbert. He tried his best to tell them that there was nothing they could do but the best friends were stubborn. Very stubborn. And yet, just as he predicted, they hadn't found anything to help find Emma.

Shaking her head, Bonnie flipped back to the previous page she was on in the beginning. "The best I can come up with is a locator spell."

"And like I said before, if I can't track her with my magic, then no one can." Jared commented, crossing his arms.

"There has to be something we can do, Bon. We can't just give up." Elena turned the book towards her, going over the words of the spell. "Who knows what happening to her?"

Damon, seated on the arm of the couch, sipped his bourbon. "Can't you just, I don't know, pray to God or something and ask Him to find Emma for us? Since she's His 'prophet'?"

The angel rolled his eyes. "You think we'd still be looking for her if He helped? He won't because it's my fault and it's my responsibility to find her."

"And you're doing such a good job."

"Boys," Elena snapped, sending both of them glares. "this fighting is not helping, is it?" She looked back at Bonnie. "Are you sure there's nothing else we can do?"

Bonnie sighed, stealing a glance over to the younger boy. "Well, there is something I think could work, if we tried it."

Those words lifted what little hope was left in Jared.

"Spill." Damon said, standing up.

"Since Jared is supposedly more powerful than a witch and can naturally track Emma, then maybe he can get a little extra juice to find her. From me."

"Like taking your magic?" asked Elena.

"No, kind of. How do I explain this?" the witch muttered, searching around the library for help. "Okay, take a radio." she said, moving over to the small electronic piece on the fireplace mantel. "You know how in movies, when the radio signal is not strong enough and they use something to give it a little boost? I'd be doing that with my magic."

Jared had to admit, it was a good plan. "That could work." he said, walking to the center of the room. "I'm not saying it will work, but-but it could."

Bonnie shrugged, closing the grimoire. "Let's get started."

The two sat on the couch, side by side.

"Okay, just do what you'd normally do whenever you'd try to find Emma." Bonnie instructed.

Jared, taking a deep breath, closed his eyes. The way he would locate Emma, it was as if he had the mental image of the world and a single red dot would be where she was. He'd never fail to find her, until now. The red dot was no where to be found.

"Hold out your hand." Bonnie said.

He reached his hand out and felt the Bennett wrap hers in his. It only took a second before he felt her magic rush through him. His map glowed brightly, making it difficult to even pinpoint anything.


Easier said than done. He thought about her and what could be happening to her. She wasn't the type of person to just leave, no matter if she had emotions or not. Someone had her. Someone was hurting her. Someone was keeping him from her.

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