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*AGE CHANGE FROM 12 to 14 IN LITTLE SISTER; TURNED 15 IN Disturbing Behavior*

She thought that after what Jared did for her, she'd be able to sleep at night without a worry, but she ended up doing the exact opposite. All she could do was think of that night, over and over again. Throughout the whole night, she just laid there. She had heard Stefan and Damon come back to the house but she stayed where she was, like she didn't have the energy to get up.

Emma eventually got out of bed and changed into something comfortable, heading down stairs. Her throat slightly burned so the first place she went to was the kitchen to get a bag of blood from the refrigerator. She had just grabbed a glass from the cabinet when she found a man in a gray suit standing by the island, staring at her.

"Who are you?" she asked, twisting the cap off and squeezing the liquid into the glass.

The man seemed oddly familiar: the shape of his nose, his caramel hair, the blue eyes, the way he held himself.

"My name is Mikael. I'm sure you've heard about me." he said with a thick Scottish accent, arms behind his back.

So this was supposed to be the feared vampire vampire hunter, she thought as she observed the man. He did have something about him that said 'back off' with his stone, hard face. At least, that's what it seemed.

"Yeah, I guess I've heard about you. Klaus is scared of you." she mentioned, taking a sip from the glass. "Aren't you supposed to be chained in a coffin or something?"

Mikael chuckled. "I was, thanks to my nuisance of a son." he said, his mood turning sour.

Emma took another sip, her eyebrow arching up a bit. "Not going to argue with that. So what, is this the case of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'? You're here to help us kill him?"

"Yes it is." Damon answered, joining the two in the kitchen. "We've come up with a master plan to get Klaus here to do the deed."

"How? He probably won't believe anything you say."

Damon smiled, nodding toward the direction of the living room and library. "If you follow me, baby bro Stefan will explain."

Finishing the last of the blood and placing the empty glass in the sink, Emma trailed behind the Salvatore to the library where Elena and Stefan were already conversing.

"Alright, we'll say that Mikael followed you in here. He tried to grab you so he could use you as bait." Stefan explained, gesturing around him.

"And you, what, vervained him?" Elena questioned.

Damon rolled his eyes. "No, we vervained him. The guy's an original. Make it realistic."

"Okay, fine. We vervained him and in the process discovered that he had a dagger."

"Which he planned to use on Rebekah. But instead-"

"We drove it through his heart." Stefan finished after Elena. It was weird, even though the two were no longer together, they always finished each other's sentences.

Emma stepped forward. "What do we do when Klaus wants to see the body? Stefan and I can't just lie to him without there being actual proof."

Mikael entered the room with a small vial and a cloth in his hands. "Then I shall be dead."

"What if he wants to see your body in person?" Elena asked.

"Well, it means our plan is working." Mikael said, hands in his pockets. "Klaus will absolutely want to see my body. You lure him here, and I will kill him."

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