Chapter 1: Why must I suffer

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( forgot to mention how you look as a bastard, you look like Andy Biersack, something good has to come from being abused)

Pain, is one of humans most hated feelings, but for some is a key, a key so one can scape their own pain, now what do you think that means. It means that when things are at their lowest anything can be used as a tool of joy to scape the pain they are going through. Pain is nothing more than will for them. It's what drives a soldier to protect theirs country, a mother for their children but for a certain kid pain is the only thing he knows and the only joy he gets after 16 years of nonstop abuse.

Jack POV

Pain, what...nothing more nothing less I guess. I had to leave with it for the past 16 year but after 5 years of it you tend to get use to it. Every day I get up, brush my teeth. Get breakfast and be Neglected by the rest of the family. Then it comes school, I'm basically a playing toy, since my sis-Yang is more popular than I am everyone that's a someone bully me. Then comes lunch, oh boy. I get to eat my lunch with the outcast, there not too bad if you think about it. Sometimes we fight, play music and sometimes just sometimes beat one of the cool kids up. Only when their been dicks. We have our ways at school, don't mess with a group and you'll be ok. After school hell breaks lose. I always get home early so I don't get to see anyone. I'm the first to arrive follow by Yang and Ruby, then Summer and finally but not least Tai. He always gets drunk. I hate that man, he will always abused of me, from beating to just using me as a punching bag for no good reason. Then it comes that whore of a sister Yang and when I'm not capable of moving she would just rape me as her little bitch of a sister herself. But no matter, Andrew one of my friends told me that he knew of a demon that could help me. I hope is like some kind of Satanic mother fucker. Maybe Corey Taylor, Marilyn Manson, Ozzy Osbourne or Andrew WK. Those are some of the best demon generals. He told me that to summon this demon first one needs a picture of one's intended victim. The eyes must be crossed out and the picture must be surrounded by eight candles in a circular formation. Then the following incantation must be recited: "Triangulum, entangulum. Meteforis dominus ventium. Meteforis venetisarium!" Your eyes will glow blue. The sky will turn grey as you enter the mindscape. You'll say "backwards message" in reverse 5 times. I do as it says and I prepare everything.

Jack:Triangulum, entangulum. Meteforis dominus ventium. Meteforis venetisarium!

I then feel a surge of pain and light comes from my eyes. I then start saying the words backs wards like he told me. After the ritual is done I was left lightheaded. Then I see everything has stoped. Then I can hear someone or something talking.

???: well look who we have here

I then get scared and try to run but I can.

Jack: w-who are you?
???: I'm hurt...but I'm not surprised, you see kid, this happening was not an accident
Jack: Wait!!! You set me up!!!
???: yes and no, Andrew made a deal with me but I needed something and that was to get to you
Jack: w-why?
???: let's be honest kid, you don't belong in this family
Jack: how do you know that?
???: well for starters, don't you wanna know my name Jack?
Jack: how do you know my name...oh yea...Andrew, fine, what's your name?
Bill: Bill Cipher or just Bill
Jack: ok Bill, why do you want me?
Bill: is cause you see a long time ago I hooked up with a nice lady
Jack: and I'm related to your problem...How?
Bill: Rude...I'm getting to that. Well I meet this nice lady while I managed to take control of a guys body and modified it for my own with the help of a friend, long story short, I fucked your mom and I'm here now for you
Jack: WHAT?!!!
Bill: I know your not retarded
Jack: nooo, YOUR MY DAD?!!!
Bill: look who paid attention, yes, an boy let me tell you, your gonna be a great Cipher, you see I'm a dream demon and almost a god, but I'm only limited by the dimension I am. I once came to the real world...shitload of chaos. But my point is that you are me but with a human body
Jack: I'm not following
Bill: * breaths heavily * your a human with my powers you dumb idiot. You have everything I do but no side effects except you have to eat, poop and all that stuff, you won't die but...ha ha will suffer...a lot
Jack: do I access my "powers"
Bill: easy, shake on it

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