Chapter 5: Mistakes and Regrets

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Weiss POV


I was having a delight dream that involves me having a nice time with Winter. I missed the old days when we were happy and close. Always having each other and helping each other. I was dreaming, we were sharing a nice cup of mint tea, it's good, you know. Not too sweet but not too strong. Not like excuse of a tea they sell on Starbucks. Then we started talking with each other.

Winter: Weiss
Weiss: yes sister
Winter: tell me, how's school going?
Weiss: great, I made a few friends, it's hard to explain
Winter: please, explain
Weiss: you see sister, my group is weird, we have a bimbo, an emo.......and our leader......she's not ready
Winter: and what are you gonna do about it?
Weiss: a good teacher told me not to be me and take the position of the leader but to try and make that leader a better person, help her change, become the best leader she can and for me to be the best friend I can
Winter: but what did you did?
Weiss: .......
Winter: Well? What did you did Weiss?

I then remembered what I did. I feel horrible now, I sold Ruby to Jack....oh no, what will he do? He said 12 hours, but how. That doesn't matter, I sold her, I need to change this.

Weiss: * crying * I-I....sold my leader just so I can become leader
Winter: so you did, what now?
Weiss: I should fix this
Weiss: WHATS WRONG?!!!
Winter: WEISS WAKE UP!!!!
Weiss: what?
Winter: WAKE UP WEISS!!!!!

I'm then shot wake and i look around. I can see everyone over looking at me.


Yang: WEISS, HELP!!! Ruby's in pain but we don't know why?

I then look at her and she was moving around screaming.

Ruby: AHHHH, please no....AHHHHHH!!!!

Oh my god. Did I did this, is this Jacks work? So many questions but then Ruby wakes up and she jumps out of bed landing in the floor with a lot of impact force. We then surround her and she then gets up runs against a wall and holds her chest like her life depends on it.

Yang: Ruby what's wrong?
Ruby: * crying * stay back
Blake: what's wrong?
Ruby: please....just stay back
Weiss: if anything is bothering just let us know
Ruby:.........I-I'll try

Weird, no matter I don't know what Jack did but I think I should get a talk with him.

Time skip class

We were on our first class of the day, I could see Ruby acting kinda weird. Like if she was paranoid or something. This is starting to get out of hand.

Time skip lunch

Ok now that we made it to lunch time I think I should get a word with him. My team and I go get our food and sit down to eat it. But as I was eating I saw Aria and Jack entered the dining hall. So I got up and walked in his direction. I then took him by the shirt and dragged him out.

Jack: Careful careful this shit ain't cheap

Ruby POV

What is Weiss doing. Is it true, was that dream really real, is what Jack said real? It couldn't be. We had that heart to heart talk when she brought me that coffee.

Blake: is everything ok Ruby?
Ruby: y-yea

Weiss POV

Weiss: you better tell me what you did to Ruby and you better tell me now!!!
Jack: easy snowflake, I did what you ask, obviously I failed, I thought she would of committed suicide by now
Weiss: WHAT?!!!!
Jack: I went into her dreams and I really fucked her up

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