Chapter 13: why

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Jack's POV

Blake: NO!!!!

I was so surprised by this that by accident I stoped time. Everything became gray. Nothing moved.

Weiss: W-what h-happened? Why is nobody moving?

I then started walking towards her. The confident face she had a minute ago vanished. She was now scared, scared of the unknown. My eyes turned yellow once more.

Weiss: what are you?
Jack: I've been saying it all this time, I'm a demon, now tell me, what do you desire?

She was left speechless. But after a minute she got her composure back and looked at me straight in the eyes.

Weiss: if I win you tell me anything I want to know
Jack: and if I win?

She then closed her eyes, took a deep breath and spoke;

Weiss: I'll do whatever you want
Jack: excuse me?
Weiss: I'll do whatever you want

I was left in an emotionless state.

Jack: Weiss, I don't want you, that's not a deal
Weiss: then what do you want?
Jack: your Soul
Weiss: w-what?!

She then backed away scared. Even dropped her sword.

Weiss: what do you mean by that?
Jack: that if I win, you'll belong to ME

Weiss POV

This most be a joke. But no matter, I meant what I said.

Weiss: I accept

His hands then catch fire and we shake our hands to seal the deal. After that we were back in the place we were standing on.

Blake: Weiss don't do this!!!
Weiss: don't worry Blake, everything will be ok

I can only hope.

Jack: ready?
Weiss: on your mark Ms Goodwitch
Goodwitch: GO!!!

We then ran at each other, I used ice dust to freeze him in place. I took a direct hit on him and I froze him where he stand.


I then flipped backwards and directed a fireball using fire dust towards him. The fireball hit dead on and it exploded. A smoke screen was created and I took this advantage to go around the ring and look for him. After the smoke was gone I saw him. And a split second was all I needed. I rushed at him using my glyphs and I was about to stab him but he grabbed me by the throat.

Jack: Ha ha ha...You though that would work on me?

He then slapped me across the arena and I tried to get up but he grabbed me by the hair.

Weiss: AHHH, please let go
Jack: no

He then kicked me across the arena once more. I stoped when I hit the other side of the field wall. I saw at our levels and I'm at Yellow and he had 50 percent.

Weiss: damn he's strong

I then decided to create an ice dome. I started to focus all my remaining aura into a summoning. If I did this right I can win. If not....then the worst will happen.

3rd person POV

Jack was seen getting impatient cause of Weiss action.

Jack: I thought this was a fight!!!
Blake: leave her alone!!!

Jack then looked at Blake but decided she was not worth his time. He engulfed his sword in fire and got ready to stab the dome. But then he felt a tremor.

Jack: what da?

Then a full on ice Knight broke the dome and went after Jack, the knight tried to hit Jack but he was too quick for the slow moving giant. Jack started running circles around the creature but then as the knight swing his sword towards him it got stuck in the floor. Jack used this opportunity to run along the sword and used his sword to repeatedly stab the knight. The knight then fell on his knees and disappeared. Weiss was seen kneeling with little to no strength. Her aura almost at the red. Jack still with 50 percent of his aura left started walking towards her. He pointed his sword to her throat and she started crying.

Weiss: why?
Jack: why what?
Weiss: why are you like this? So ruthless...I've seen what you can do...and yet you want nothing...what's wrong...c-can I help you?

He was shocked cause of what she said. He looked in front of him and he saw Team JNPR there. Pyrrha most importantly. Watching his fight, and it was her who told him those words.

Jack: I-i...

Weiss took this opportunity and stabbed Jack in the abdomen and fired 2 fire shots. Jack was left speechless. Weiss then removed her sword and Jack fell to his knees. His aura in the red now.

Goodwitch: The Winner is Weiss Schnee!!!

Everyone was left speechless. Even team Rwby. But with the strength she wasted both of them fell unconscious in the floor.

Pyrrha POV

We were all shocked cause of the fight that just took place. Jack lost after displaying that great amount of strength. Then paramedics came to take both students.

Paramedic: don't worry...they're just really exhausted

Then they took them to the infirmary. Ms Goodwitch announce to both teams to go and follow them so they can help them out when they wake up.


We walked toward them but then Yang spoke;

Yang: I thought Jack was gonna win for a second there
Nora: me too...he was WAS AWESOME
Ren: Nora, please
Pyrrha: I get you, I was surprised as well
Ruby: HE TOOK 3 fire shots to the FACE!!!
Yang: I know!!! And those were explosions not just fire balls

I was about to take part of the conversation but Blake then pull me aside.

Blake: I want to know about him
Pyrrha: what?
Blake: why are you nice to him? Is he forcing you?
Pyrrha: what? No! He's been a great person but yea he has his moments but no, he hasn't threatened anyone

She then looked to the floor and started speaking to herself.

Pyrrha: is everything ok?
Blake: yea...whatever you do, don't trust him, his a dangerous ma-
Pyrrha: I know
Blake: excuse me?
Pyrrha: he told me, he's a demon and he also told me his past

She was then shocked. Once again looked down to the floor while whispering something.

Blake: can you tell me?
Pyrrha: I'm sorry but's really sensitive, I feel I feel I would betray him if I did that

I then started walking but she called me out of anger.

Blake: Pyrrha!!! He's dangerous!!!
Pyrrha: I know that
Blake: he almost Killed Ruby!!!
Pyrrha: what?
Blake: Weiss almost made a deal where he would find away to make her leader but he was gonna murder Ruby, he showed Weiss the future and she ended up canceling on it

I was shocked. He never told me that.

Blake: we need to stop him, we're not safe
Pyrrha: still...I'll have a talk with him, but he has enough trust in me to tell me things he wouldn't say to anyone, and I'm not gonna betray that trust

Blake then looked furious but calmed down. She walked passed me and then whispered;

Blake: if anyone dies, it's your fault Pyrrha

She then walked away and left me alone.

Pyrrha: ....Let's hope you're wrong

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