Chapter 6

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Dawns POV

I went to go get the food and accedently bumped into someone."Oh,sorry Dawn."Marshall said."Thats alright."I answer.
I was blushing.But why?

I see Rocky and Rubble next to my food."Rubble this food is for Dawn,not you."Rocky said.Rocky was holding Rubble back from stealing my food."Uh hello Rubble,one minor detail about me,nobody steals my food."I say adding a bit of humor to the subject.Rocky laughed.

"Fine."Rubble said.I giggled.

Rocky's POV

Why was she blushing when Marshall came in......does she like him?I look down."M-Marshall,can I talk to you?"I ask.He looks at me concerned."Uh....sure,follow me."He said.I follow him to his pup house.He closed his door and locked it.

"Whats up Rocky?"He asked.I sigh.
"Dawn....thats Whats up....I'm starting to like her."I said."Really?"Marshall asked.I nodded."But she likes you."I say looking down."What?How do you know?"Marshall asked."Because,she keeps blushing around you,and do you not see the way she looksat you?"I ask.

"I mean,I guess,but hey you have nothing to worry about.I may like her a little bit,but you know I love Everest.I can't be withanyone else if im sitting there kissing them while im thinking about Everest."He said.

"You have a point.I just want her to like me back."I said."All you have to do is first,make sure you talk to her alot.If you barely talk to her then you can't gain her love.Also,if you spot her crying or just upset in general,go to her and see what's wrong.If she gets violent trying to not tell you,show her that it doesn't bother you and listen to her closely,until shes done and show her you understand.The key is flirting,and being there for her when she needs someone.Thats what I do with Everest,and I am finding some signs that she likes me.So im sure it will work with you.Just answer this question for me.I know you mightnot know yet so I understand cause you just met her,but would you risk your life for her?"Marshall asked.

I answer without hesitation."Oh heck yes!"I say.Marshall has a thrown back shocked look on his face."Oh really?"He asked."I know thismight sound cheesy,and a bit unlike me to say,but I believe that this is love at first sight."I say.

Marshall smiled."I see.Well remember my tips,they will work.But only do this ifyou are willing to.You don't want to do it and have her believe that its genuine when its really not."Marshall said."I'm willing to do everything."I said.Marshall smiles."Awsome."He said.

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