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The next day Gwen rides the city bus to school. She isn't sure what to say when Dallas sits beside her again. So she bites her lip and looks out the window. Dallas listens to his music again. The whole ride is spent in silence.

When the bus drops them off, Gwen rushes to her first class, anxious to get away from Dallas. Because with Dallas, comes memories. And she doesn't want to think of that right now. Not at school, when she has to keep up her reputation.

It's like she puts on a mask as soon as she enters the building. And, for the first time, Gwen notices what she's doing. She's hiding. She's become a completely different person. And, it scares her. What would he think of her if he saw her now? She isn't the same person he'd fallen for... was that a good thing?

Gwen's quiet the whole day, and more agitated than usual. As much as she tries, she can't completely cover up her anxiety. Emma and Sara try to ask her what's wrong, but Gwen knows they don't really care. Anyone could see the eagerness in their eyes. She knows they'd tell everyone in the school the second they got a chance to. So she keeps her thoughts to herself.

The day speeds by, and before Gwen knows it, she finds herself in Science class again. Cursing under her breath, she runs up to the teacher and reminds him of her session with the school counselor. As much as she hates going, it gets her out of class, and Gwen knows that she'll just draw more attention to herself if she doesn't go.

3 minutes later, Gwen bursts into Ms. Green's office. She starts to ramble out an excuse, but then stops, frozen. Because she sees someone already in Ms. Green's chair. And of course, it's Dallas. Bemused, Gwen looks at Ms. Green for an explanation. But Ms. Green simply smiles, and gestures for her to take the seat next to Dallas.

Gwen's so distracted, she doesn't even bother trying to argue. She drops her bag on the floor and sits down. Then she crosses her arms, still waiting for an explanation. But Ms. Green doesn't offer one. Instead, she asks, "So Veronica, have you been writing in your diary?"

Gwen's eyes bulge. She sucks in her cheeks and hisses, "Stop calling me Veronica. And no, I haven't written in that stupid thing. What's the point anyway? No one cares what I have to say."

And then Gwen remembers the fact that Dallas is there. She clenches her teeth together and leans back in her seat, recrossing her arms in the process.

When she glances over at Dallas, she sees he isn't shocked by her reaction. Instead, he's biting back a smile. For some reason, that irritates Gwen.

"What is he doing here anyway?" She spits, jabbing a finger at Dallas. Now he's grinning from ear to ear. And Ms. Green looks annoyed.

"He is here to do a double session with you, Veronica. Now sit down."

It's like a slap in the face whenever someone calls Gwen that now. The pain shoots through her like a bullet. No one's allowed to call her that. Not anymore.

Her automatic reaction? Get defensive. So she starts to snarl back, but before she can get a single word out, she hears laughing. Gwen's head whips to the side, and she sees Dallas chortling in his seat, earphones dangling off the side of his chair.

"Whatever." she huffs. Gwen rips her bag up off the floor and stomps out, ignoring Ms. Green's orders and Dallas' cries of "Wait!"

"Who does he think he is, laughing at me? Freaking idiot... thinking he knows anything about me. They're all idiots." she fumes, muttering under her breath. A glance at a clock on the wall tells Gwen that she still has twenty minutes before the last bell of the day rings. Twenty minutes before she can get out of this place.

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