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The next morning at school, Dallas and Gwen are both called to Ms. Green's office. At the same time.

They both get up after the announcement in the middle of their second period class and throw their things in their bags, not daring to look at each other. And they walk to her office in silence. Which, for them, is completely unusual.

Ms. Green isn't there whenever they come in and sit down, so Dallas starts a conversation.

"So... are you going to the football game on Friday?"

She hesitates. "Umm... I'm not sure?"


"Hey there, lovebirds!"

Gwen and Dallas jump in their seats and look around the room until they see Ms. Green in the doorway; she's grinning slyly.

"You really think you could hide it from me? I may just be a counselor, but I know these things."

"Wha- What are you talking about?" Dallas stutters. It doesn't help that he's turning beet red.

"Oh. Ohh... You know what I'm talking about, Dallas." she says, winking. Gwen swallows the bile that's rising up in her throat and chokes out a reply.

"Well, he obviously doesn't know what you're talking about Ms. Green. So feel free to explain."

Ms. Green spins around, a gleam in her eye. "Okay. I'll explain." She shuts the door, throws herself into her leather seat, and puts her elbows on her desk. Gwen and Dallas feel like bugs under a magnifying glass. They're just waiting to get burned.

"Rumor says that you two," she points with her fingers and Gwen slides down in her chair. "are the new 'item.' "

Oh God. Gwen thinks. She's even using bunny fingers. My counselor is more involved in my love life than I am...

"Surely you know better than to listen to rumors, right Ms. Green?" Dallas asks desperately.

She smirks. Gwen gulps. This is mortifying.

"Don't think you can just avoid the subject like tha-"

BEEP. "Attention all students and faculty. Due to today's tornado warnings, this day has been cut short. Please gather your things and get home safely, just in case. Thank you for your attention." BEEP.

Dallas and Gwen look at each other, eyes wide, and then dash out the door before Ms. Green can call them back. They run out laughing and go sit on the bench to wait for the city bus, both out of breath. Dallas checks his watch and smiles.

"Just in time." he says.

Two minutes later, the bus pulls up.

They find their seats and Gwen puts her hair up. He has to force his eyes away from her. Again.

"So wait.. did they say we have a tornado warning today?" she asks.

He nods.

"Do you have a storm shelter at your house?"

Dallas has to think about that. Did he ever get around to building one?

"Umm... I don't think so." he mutters.

How embarrassing.

And scary.

"You could just come to my house... we have a storm shelter. You could take Max too, and... maybe your mom?" she continues tentatively.

"But... what about your parents?"

"They won't be there."

Her answer's an impulse. Gwen doesn't even think about it anymore. Her mom might call, if she's not completely oblivious to the whole tornado warning, but that's it.

"Okay..." Dallas says hesitantly. "But... I don't think you want my mom to be there."

She bites her lip. He's told her enough about his mom to know that she doesn't want her to get involved. "Just... just don't tell her. Call her and say you and Max are fine and 'forget' to mention where you are."

At first, he's not sure. Involving Gwen could be dangerous, especially if his mom gets involved. But then Dallas thinks about Max, and about the extra time he'll get to spend with Gwen... so he agrees. They both get off at his stop and Gwen helps Dallas get everything together. Max is so excited to see Gwen that he doesn't ask any questions about where they're going, which Dallas is thankful for.

30 minutes later, the trio is setting up their things in Gwen's storm shelter. Gwen starts a movie on her laptop for Max and then she helps Dallas pull out the futon and lay out some blankets. Dallas puts a pizza in the oven and glances over at Max before grabbing Gwen's hand and pulling her to the other side of the room. Her heart skips a beat.

"So..." he mumbles. "I was trying to ask you earlier.. but... Ms. Green..." he smiles sheepishly.

Gwen hesitantly smiles back, completely confused. What is he talking about?

"Anyways... there's a football game this Friday. It's a home game, and.. I was wondering if... maybe you'd want to... I don't know, hang out with me there or... something?"

She raises an eyebrow and bites back a giggle. Her heart's racing.

"Dallas... are you talking about... a date?"

"Uhh... well.. I..-" he stammers.

"Because if you are... I'd say yes."

Dallas stares at her blankly. Gwen resists the urge to bust out laughing. He's just so darn cute!

He doesn't say anything for the longest time. Eventually, Gwen giggles and asks, "So are you asking me out on a date, Dal?"

"Yes." he blurts out. And then he grins and wraps his arms around her. "Yes, I am!"

Dallas picks her up off of her feet and they're both grinning. Max looks over, jumps down from his seat, and runs over to them. Gwen keeps one arm around Dallas's waist, and picks up Max with the other. He squeals when they all group together in a hug.

Dallas's heart swells with joy. This is moment is just so perfe-

*BAM* The door to the storm shelter slams open and the trio jumps away from each other.

Max whimpers and hides behind Gwen and clings to her leg when he sees who it is. Dallas, on the other hand, steps in front of them both and grabs Gwen's hand protectively. He's shaking; whether it's from fear, or anger, Gwen doesn't know.

This isn't good.

Standing in the doorway, with her coffee-stained scarf and wild, wind-blown hair, is Dallas's mom.

Gwen's heart drops into her stomach when she sees the same face from the pictures Dallas has shown her. The only difference? Now, the only emotion on her face, is pure, terrifying, anger.

Gwen grips Dallas's hand hard and gently pushes Max further behind her.

This won't end well...

- Alyssa <3

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